Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

POUND MASTEK’ NOTICE Notice is herebv given to all persona there are at the 6overmnent Ponnd al kiki, two straye<l bo«es. 1 red naare, t spot on the (orehead, brand ind*scri on ihe leg, white right hind lf( red co!t. white spot ou the forehead, 1 right hind Ieg. A.ny person or ptrsons owning these h are reqnested to eome and take the aan or be£ore 12 o’eloek noon, SATUR1 SEPT. 1. 13W. JAMES KUKONA. Pound Mast Makiki, Aug. 21, 1394. aug. 21 THOMAS L1NDSAY. Sfnnufacttire Jeicier & Wucthma M>.Tncrny Block, 405 Fort 3t. Uono POUND MASTER S NOTICE. Kotioe is hereby given to all persons there are at the Qovemment Pound at kiki, sii strayed horses. 1 red mare, long white spot on the bead, bnnded '21 on left hind leg brand indis«rib!e on left (ore-!eg. 1 cre*tn tn&re, long while spot on | (orehē*d, branii indiscribahle on h j 1 red filly, white spot on the fore-b ' being not brandcd. 1 salmon-coūored horse, white spo the fore-head, branded A on hght hmJ white left hind leg, (eet are shod. 1 red horse, wbite spot on back, bra P A on right hmd leg. white left hind i I grippl« howe, poorly oondition. i spot on the (eieheao, branded J U on hiud leg, feet are white. All i ersons owning these borses az quested to ee-me and take the «ame > j before 12 o’eioek noon, SATUKJ RIKG UP MUTUAL TELX 312 • HltPER*S Baggage Expr U«ce, 2» Fort S*,. Honolalu. H. I Biggag« &nd Faraiture C&re Uandled aod DeUvered at i 1 Notice to All Parts of the ■ Stand on Cor. of Fort & Qaeec au2U Pound M Makiki. Aug. 20. 1304. aug 20-! I īj«