Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 ʻAukake 1894 — LADIES’ COLUMN. [ARTICLE]
Whea tbe tnds fiods iime to iloabt oar assertioas about eales and prices, bot one eoneloaion ean be formed, r»nJ that is tbat «e are settiog tbepace ou prices, &s well as doing tbe bcsiness. Tbere is an old proverb tbat • what is one man’s lossis alwa3*s another man’s again. ” We are going on record and charge it to what is yoar ga»n, by trading with ns, and oors by increased bosiness —is tbe other man’s loss. So down we go from day to day ir> prices. There is not a dall counter in oar Store; we have gotten oat of the old rut. The days of large profits are over. Even- day it will be sometbing new and tempting in styles and prices. We can't meniion but a few articles in this eolumn, but wisb to impress you tbat if you want anything in our line you ean get it »t ROCK BOTTOM PKICES and a guarantee the goods are as represented.
If vou buy tbose Turkish Towels of ours you will surely pray fur rain. Tbey are so different from tbe eheap tbings otfered as Turkisb Towels. Casb bougbt tbese so tbut we ean sell them at just as low a figure as tbe eheap goods are offered at. A handsome PCRSE is a very deceptive thing. It aliuost always creates the impression that there is money in it, and 30 tbere is, if you save ou the purchase price by buying of us. We struck a su:ip in onr purcbase of PURSES —aud will give you tbe benefit of it. Tbey run frora 25 ceuts to perfect beauties in Real AIligator and Russiau Seal with Sterling Silver Monntings.