Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]

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And yet no rain ! The moon ri*es thi» evening at 9 45 o’eloek. The Boaid of IIealtb may roeet tomorr"w afternoon. The 'fiie laildies" nr« waiting patieutly for another fire alann. Mre. Tbinls int nds to give another theosov»hical lecture, in the uear fatore. Heiail traders are complaining a t tbe existing dallnsss and scarcity of eoin on old acconnts. Beer is a far chea{>er and better j ivcstment than water,atpresent, for Ihe former you get yoor money’s worth. Smitb's popular Pali trips are well wortby tho patroaage whieli j is given to this long and very eheap excursion. The steamer Arawa of the Canadian line is doe here from ancouver B. C., en route to Sydnej oo Friday next the *24th inst. Pilcs of rock placed along the Waikiki side of Emma street indicates that work on the maeademizing process is not yet finished. We will all be there. Where ? Why, at the Scheutzen Club Mas<juerade Ball Monday, September 3, 1894. Everybody is going. Aro you ? The band concert at Emma Square last evening was attended by a rather apalhelie audieuce of about oue handred people. Tho airs were aneienl. The steamer Belgic is now looked for wiih mueh interest as by ber tbe late-st news relative to the Chineso-Japanese imbroglio wdl be received.

Queeu Emma hall has been | Iately repaired aud newly painted aud the surrounding grounds cleaned up of rubbish. The former neglect is thus made very appareut. The Boards of Registry and Eiaminers are still on their , travels, and are reported to be | meetmg with poor success iu obtaining the names of voters “to the manner born. The developmeuts, iu the •Froncb tourists” case, to bo called in the District Court next Fridav are e\pected toberich, rare aud racy. Reserved seats obtained on early appliealion. Yesterday, the 20th inst., was tho thirty-fourth anuiversary of the promulgation of the Constitution granted by Kamehameha V. Said Constitutiou coutinued in foroe for 23 years viz; until the first “missiouary” nprising in 1887. Mr. C. B. Reyuolds, tho agent of the Board of Heallh. goes forwanl to the Loper Settlement by the steamer Mokolii this evening, wiih the fised pnrpose of winuing tbe striko now on amongst the "kokua*" (nnrses> at tho Settlement.

Those vines, those ver)- obuoxous vines to the corufort of pas-1 sing pedestrions, whieh encumber the wall of the Bishop resideace ou Emma street yet remaiu iu plaee. Even Dole lst has to unbend his digaity in passiug and bow to tbe obstruction. Tbo chiding of Dr. eto., etc., Rodgers br the Holomua. for filling two salaried billets at onee, i bas had a good effect the political, pensioner conclnding to attend to his iegistration bosiness alone »ud therefore he will not be ! present atn©xtThursday'ssession of the Councils. Asortof “sUr chamber ' inquirv w»s held in the case of poliee eapUin Langley. accused of receiving bribes, yesterday afteruoon, and wiih a resnlt that the offioer was fined $50 aud dbmissed from tbe force. Sc , .u»*t.>-e bas not yet been passed on Stone a . said to be, parUker in the illgoiten gaina.

Tbe !ste*o»er CI«o<l»n«. Mik*i.ala nml Mokolii le*ve port this evening at 5 o'eloek Mr. George W. Lineoln tbe weli-known contn«ctor »nd bailder h»s «t last emerged from the con«i of bankroptcy. The Mannerchor Society meet, as u.snal. tomorrow evening. Home uew songs will be op for practice. The continoed droogbt on Mani. is said to be creating bavoc amooR6t cattle and horees and rnining many vegetable planters. Tbe members whieh are stated to bave “crawled in throogh tbe cabin windows M into the Healani boat clab,still hold the fort. Lindsav the watchmaker will goon move from his old stand in the Mclnerny block to more commodions quarters in the Campbell block on Merchant St. Mr. G. Brown is expected to snccced Mr. S. M. J3amon ; as manager of the well-known Bishop's bank, about tlio lst of September.

The 'Tiser reports Mr. Jaraes W. Gir\in (“Truthful Jaraes ') ns in position as Hawaiian eonsul at Sau Deigo Cal. AnJ yet the gentleraan <lraws salary bere for a positiou in the department of Minister of Foreign AtFairs. Mr. Gorham D. Gilman the Hawaiian Consul at Boston, Mass. aud «ho hns been here for sorae raouths, apparently otf dutv, proposes to give a lecture this evening at the Y. M. C. A. hall. The bark Albert, Capbiiu Griffiths sailed for San Francisco this morning with about three fourths of a cargo, and whieh included sugar, rice and a small lot of coffee. Two passengers went by the vessel viz; A. L. A. Gradv and D. G. Silliman.

Mr. Ed. A. Williams was mar~ ried last evening by Rev. H. H. Parker to Emma Cameron, a forraer resident of San Francisco; Only the relatives of the contracting parties were there present at the cereraony, but many congratulations have been extended. The bktno. S. G. Wilder will probably sail tomorrow, in ballast, for the Coast. Mr. Herbert Bygrave the reported volunteer for the Japanese army returnsby her to San Francisco, and he has iuade a vow to iuterview some of his newspaper friends on arrival there.

■ Tbeosophy” hall,that was, is now “Foster” hall to be. Addiiional seating accommodations have been placed therein, and the acoustic properties makea the plaee very desirable for leetures. The Womana’ Christian Temperance I. nion is holding a meeting this afternoon at the Central Union. * Saki” the now popular drink amongst natives, introduced by the to be Christianized Japs, is expected to be one of the sabjects under disCUSSĪOQ.

lf Honolulu has a big fire in the near future it is all due to Brenham on Bethel street He actually sells 30 boxes of safety matches for 10 cts. or 150 boxes for half a dollar. This is the time to la£ in a stock. For 50cts. even an inveterate smoker will have “light" euoagh for a year.

Auother fire in the mountaius. this time Palolo-wards, is reported. Here is a good opportunity to utilize some of the many spies arouod town by stationing them in the woods, dnring the dry seasou.