Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 August 1894 — The McGreW Divorce Case. [ARTICLE]
The McGreW Divorce Case.
In the afternoon yesterday, tLis celebr*ted dircrce case tras contipued beforo Judge Coo|ier. Mrs. Papa. Mrs. Hunt »nd 8yl-1 vana a Portnguese nursegirl wore callod by tbe »ttorney for the gu»rdian angel. Co#8idwtble testimony was gi»on in regard to aome acrobatic auitic« of some feuoe-jonsping ladies on Emma Lane. The witnessos could not t*a ear to tbe identity of the fair gymoasts. The eaae is on again to-day and will probnbiy close to-morrow. A prominent witness left for theCoast on the Austr»lia.