Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 August 1894 — The Police Court. [ARTICLE]

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The Police Court.

Ths district judge disposed ol n lnrge n«mbor of cases tbia morning. The Hummer dogpoisoniug case was postponed owing to C. \N. Ashford being eug«ged iu the Circuit Court. Thero wero 12 cases for illieil liquor selling on Sauday »1though Iho S(ur wants us to beheve thnt no liquor is »old on th« Subbath ainee the r»ivolntion. The eaee o£ Houghtailing am Oibbs chargod with lkiuor aell ing was called aml the prosecutiou oj»ened by calling Seuior Captaiu Andrews. The case was not fiuished as we go to press