Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 ʻAukake 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
ggF~ If Yovk Housk ob Dt>o is sick scnd them at on?e to205 King Street. Tho only Veter-( inary InfinnMry in the Repablic fully equipped with modern »ppliai ces aud skillfull ttlteadants. , augl-lm The boy who deliver tbe Holo-m-A ou tho Plaiua succeded iu gctting iuto trouble with the poliee yesterdny, nud a number of our subscribers consequently missed their papor. A substitute has beeu engaged nnd wo hopo that all papen» will be properly delivered. Failure to receive tho papershoold beproraptlv reported to thisoftice.