Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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FOB SiLE. A FTJiF ■ • MIDNKiHT f ’ STALLIOS eoh Iwioiupmi to P. D. Ij»nberv. Tb« eol» b*. MiUk, PaXTHEON stabu: ima lo-Mnw. tf. CITY CARRUGE C0. Comer KING »ūd BETHEL SL CAREIAGE8, AT ALL H0l*HS. Bt>th Teiephonw No. 11:1 J. S. AXDRADE. Man»ger. j*ine Long Branch -BATH)«GEstabllshment. Tbis Firsl-Class B.ithing Re:*.)rt has been enlargnl and i? now open •to the puhlie, It is the l>est plaee on the i?lar.d9 t« enjoy a Batb. aiui there ii nb better olaoe to Iay off. S(iecial aocommod«tions t'or Ladies. Trjtncars the Jx>r e»ery half hour, and on Sj»tuniays and Sundays every fit*leen mmutes. C. J. SHERW OOD r jy24 Froprietor. Removal ! Hustace & Co. HAVK MOVKD TO Morgan’s - Aueilon - Rooms for s »liort tlme. 'Ve arestill «eiiiiu; Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KINDLING WOOI) in sny juantity Botb Telej>bones 4U »uit Empire Saloou, JAME» 0LD5, PHoratCTOR: pine V/uies, Liquors. Becp ALWAS ON HAND, Coraer Nnuann and HotcI Streets. BeU lelephone 241. Po«t Offloo Box 107 Woven Wire Mattresses Now, for the first time manul'aetured right here in Honolulu. By Ihe on!y tnan out?ide nf the United Kingdom. who u?e? \VIRE, whieh will not RUST; he having 9ecureil exclu?ive rights to uae the sanie. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY ia a hackneye«i phrose. But if you want to buiid up a Nalion, tndustries muat be fostered. Keep your tnonev in your own islands, and buy a Non-Corrosive Solid Comfort Spring Bed. made in Honolulu, whieh will not SAG or RUST, or, A Perfection Col, ehil.l’» Crib, Versa<Ub Chsir, Tbrer-4Jiuu’tcr« Slngtc anJ Fnll Suc, Wire BcJ« ARrlCLES auitable to yonr eiimnle; PRICKo auiUhle to the limea, as you find them. For the He»t HEU in the Mnrket, I rec >rnmend the HARTFOKP \VEAVE SPRINO BED, Treble Wire ail throogh, \VO\ EN aa fine as cloth. Solid 4 ineh. Miple frame8, Malleahle Castings, Warranted in every particolar. Never yet failed to give satisfaction. f offer lbese good* to tbe puhlie witb eonnienee. having made them for years. You ean oow get yoor very JLarge KOA BEDS, fitted with a WIRE MATTRESS. Any 8izo made to order. Buy ihe BED of the FUTURE, of Meaars. T. H. Daviea A Ca Lt’d. r Hopp & Co., Wiiiiama Bro?., I. X. L, Ordway A Porter, or of the Maker W0VEN WIRE Hotei Street. Honoiulu, (next dt>or to Hom’i Steam Bakerr.) aug 14-lm