Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Club Stables Company. $. F. [ji t ahani, Mana^ei* £ Livery and Feed Stables. '■V. W »■ J 'w' ■*«... FOKT STKEET, In'iween Hoiel ami Berttani«4 Streets, Hoaolulu. I>nth TeIepbonrs 477 jy‘23 ltu PIONEEH Steam CANDY Factory, B.i H l!RV and Ice l’mim Parlors! HOPN m w 1863 lll 1894 V\' :-gr PRAcncAL COX FEC T!ONEU AND ORNAMENTER īu all hra*ehe» o/ Ihe b\uitie»t oa lhett i*landt. American, Engli»h, (>omi»n »m1 French PASTR1ES Ma»lc to Onler BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES Maile ol the Very Be*t M»terial »nd •t K«.asonaMf Hatee. Family Graham & Fancy Bread .1/«•'»;/* on Hnnd. AM. COXFECT10\KKV Mauutactored at My EstabUehmeut Arc 6BBranteed to bc PoeltiTelv Pure «nd Sold at Pricee no other establi«hment ean compete with. FACTORY AM) STOKE, No. 71 Hote! Street, Houolulu. Both TeIephones No. 74. jy26 PANĪHEON EALOON, FORT AND HOTEL STS. Headqnarters Eūterprise Brewing Co. THE ■ Largest Consignment of Beer that ever arnved here, now on Draught J. DODD, Prop’r NOTICE T0 Visitcrs, Pienie Parties, Laaos —A\P—GENERAL PUBLICl

At Sjcith’« Bcs axd Liveky Stable, Kino Stk>;et, |A'ijoining Metrrpolilan M««l Mnrket.] 1* the CltaspL«t Plaee in Tonm yon ean get Bns««s r Wagon«tie«, Bnggin» ind Sn<ul« Horses. It will pajr jron to eall «nA see Man yon trr elaewbere. Mnlual TeIephone 408 ngI-U Ploneer Shlrt Factory ESTAfiLiSilED U87. A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, Fort St, (Up*Ulrst Honolala, Goo<l Fit J. H. TRU?CHLEK, Boot Sc 8hoemaker. Ill Fori Slree(. Repairing. ne«tly Dono, half sole anei heel witfa pegs, $1.00. Half sole and hoel sewing, 11.50. *u7