Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 August 1894 — An Approved Precedent. [ARTICLE]
An Approved Precedent.
Belgmus won’t bave tbe liberty of the press abridged eveu to please a great fore:gn ruler. It seems tbat a certain jonniaiist named Ostiaarr, cnlled tbe Shab
of Persia “a swinish brute,’’ and urged his arrest as a nnisauco should he visit Belgiain. Osquarr was arrested and prosecuted br the anthorities of Belgiuin, who feared that Ihe commercial eoncessions received from the Shah would be reToked, if the insulter of Persiun raajesty was allowed npunished. But the jnry acquitted Osquar. Bravo, Belgian jurv: