Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 ʻAukake 1894 — A Rumored Change. [ARTICLE]
A Rumored Change.
It īs peneral)v ooderstood that Marsbal Hitchcock will ratire frr.m office at the end of tbi?« montfa and probably be appointed Sberiff of HawaiL As bis
»occessor, is mentioned his def>nty. Mr. Arthnr Brown. While this gent!eman is a very pleasant ai»d p*dit»- yonng man. we do not think that the c-mntiy bas safficient cnnfideDce in hīm to app'and his appointment to tbe uiost impirtant position witbin the gift of the gorernment He bas, we nnderstand, bad tbe actual charge of the force since the illness of the Marsbal, and we believe tbat everybody familiar with circomstances will ndmit that the poliee bas never been in a more disgracefnl eond tion thau it now is.
In the anxiety of makiug r record, the depnty marsbal and his senior capt»in have repcatedly overstepi»ed their authority. and thev bave nsed means whieh ean onlv tend to cast discredit on the department. To properly fill tho office of Marshal, takes an older bead. more experiouce and more kuowledge of hnmauitv than possc?sed by Mr. BrOwn. Any misstep of a marsbal, or auiocratic act on hts part may canse raore irritation, or perbaps, mcre serious tronl>le thnu enn be remedied. There ouglit snrely to be*other iuaterial uvailab!e for thnt ]>osition. McCandless, McStocker aml T Mnrray have all beeu irteutiuned as cnndidates. Ti»e first mentioned, at least, would ra ike a far bettei chief of the poliee thau will yonng Brown, whose corcj)lexion yet is lightiug- np the horiz.»n in very, very verdant colors. The proposition to make tho senior eapiain Sherift’ of Maui, ia gocd. By all means. get ricl of hiin here. The Mani monntains are tlie only proper background that can“setoft*' his handsome fignre to advantage.