Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 194, 21 August 1894 — Annexation, When? [ARTICLE]

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Annexation, When?

Will Canadn be nn independent j ropublic? Mr. F. P. Bontellieri at a m«ss meeting hold in Windsor. Ont., made a speecb, in wbicb lie pre<licted thnt bofore , ten years. C>>uada wouid be an ! indej)endent rtpnblio. II is o(ter»nces woie cheerod by those | presenL It must be reraembered, 1 however, that Wiudsor is very ! close to tho border-line, and stronglv imbne«l with repubiican idcas. In Ottawa. Turonto or

Hamilion Mr Bontellier wonhl be aecoided a ditferont reception, thongh it is not improbablo that. iu the Province of Qnebee. his ideas wouid meet with some eucouragoment. Wbatever his prosspects of success, however, Mr. ; Honteilier is determined to apply the thiu end of tbc «edge to Uie uniou between Canada and the Mother Couutn*. lt remains to | be seen if his foI)owers are numetoas and strong enongb to hammer it ia. But, gontU Canad-! ians, we overhereare not hankering after annexation. Make your miuds easy on tbat point. Jnst, now we bave enough to do taking oare of oareeIves, aud our v..cant territory bas room for uutold millions yet.— Aouruvn Ex