Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 193, 20 August 1894 — cORRESPONDENCE [ARTICLE]

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[We do not boid onrseirM te-sr>oa*ibIe fur tue opinions or the utterau«»s of tur coires;x)nilents.] Editoh Holomua: UuitedSti«te8 —!LsEi L A Tb»rstou, Euvoy Extraordinary aml Miuister Plenipotentiary Wnsbington, D C. Upon readiug the Cojmun iu tbis morning’s Adveriise) • headed “The Hnwaiian Republiq” (GoJ [ save the mark) I eame aoro.>»s the above item from tl.e subbeading of “Diplom ttic” reprosentatives. Leaving oue side tbe notorious laek ef diplomacy or anytbiug akin tbereto : it is a relief to know that he is iu “Wasbingtou D C.” and not swindliug tbe taxpayers of Hawaii by loafing round Honoiulu. His partner j tbe J)evii must then be tbe one quoted as just raturued frora i Madame Pqle’s doraains, and who is masqueradiijg as tbe Honorablo(!”)Minister of a misnamed oligarchy, and also, we presnrae, becUing bis partner by drawing the aalary of “ His Ei ’' Of conrse, if Thurston were Uere in propria penona and delivering addrosses to tbe Irisb-American Loague, be wouUl be gotting otf soiue of bis fumily virtne talk as ; be did in lSSb, bnt tbank God. it is on!}* his counterfcit presentraent. Kuoviug tbat he is devotedly atiendiug io the dcties for whieh he is paid. we ean cnly repeat tbe religious quotation made use of, by a Sontbern planter when be saw tbe bnmed b dy of bis favorite slave, “well done tbou good and faitbfnl servaut.” 4 I1elii:vkd Taxpayee.