Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 193, 20 ʻAukake 1894 — A PROPOSED ELECTION. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


It k, »c are mfor»oed. tbe intention of Mr. IX)5e’s government t > Lu dau viectīuo m the iast week «>f Oct«jber. If lbe povernmenl sti!l cxLsts tbat dote. we }>resan5e that snch an e!ect,on • wil'. L»ke )J»ee. Tue re»ult will be extre;o«ly haraiiiating for the repablic onl\' a v<,rv sraall fraction of tbe voting populaiion wiil go to the poIU. The Portuguese who heretofore have been nsed to swell the noracrical | ,strength of the revolntionists have virtually withdrawn their support frora the re}»nblie. They joined the raove, becanse they believed thut annexatiou was the object of the revoIntion. and tbat better tiraes would be the rcsnlt of annexatioa and bring relief to the great number who uow aro star\';up for waut of woik. The Hu\\aiians refuse absolutely to take part in an eleelion where they eau paiu nothiug. The Portuguese are virtually disfi'auchised tlirough laek o! electoral qualifications, and the ab.s«">1ute raajority of thc Ha\vaii.ius will be i of no avail tu thcm :is the iufamous coii.stiti.tiou has fixed thiugs so tl;e power of governrnent is secure in the hands of the prcseut c!ique. Poieipu resideuts, who are in opposition to Mr. Dolo, have a!so beeu Jis- j frar,cliised, aml the result will be , that, the eltctioii will be carried on by the small contingeut of officoholdeis, aud p)antation slaves who laek all sense of iudepeudence aud' polilieal individuality. lf 1500 voters aro registered on the <lu\' of the e!ect ou. the governraent will have to be satisfied, anJ in that number it has mustercd all ;ts follo(vors. The array,police, gnards, specials , and s{>i-.-s coustituto thc majority ! of the registered voters; the 1 lialauee is made up of pluutatiou overseers, teajusters, mechauic3 and other obedient employees. If Mr. Dole thinks, that ho, wilh | such a sliowing has any ehanee of hoviug his governmeut recoguized by the Uniled States or any other foreign po\ver, ho must be more sauguiuc than we ever tbought him to be. And he !ias , nobody to blaine except himself . iu lettingstnpidity. arrogance aud open hostility rnle his govern ment where good rcs ;lts cou!d hnve been gaiued b\* diploinacy, tact am’l a eoueili tiug policy.