Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 193, 20 August 1894 — Savage Warriors. [ARTICLE]

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Savage Warriors.

It is not surprising to learn that the Japanese violated all the rules of warfare in sinking the Chinese transport ship. All Orientals have merely a surface covering of civilization. The original barbarian comes out the moment the blood is up. The Japanese navy, as well as the army, hate the Chinese and any loss that they can inflict on this enemy is regarded as legitimate. The Chinese have shown no special regard for the customs of civilized warfare. In the Taiping rebellion so prominent a man as Li hung Chang broke his promise to General Gordon and shocked every foreigner in China by coolly lopping off the heads of the chief rebels, who had surrendered on Gordonʻs guarantee that their lives would be spared. The Tonquin war was also marked by several episodes of savage ferocity by Chinese, of which no European, except a renegade, could have been guilty. - S. F. Chronicle.