Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 193, 20 August 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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BRUGE CARTWRIGHT Bosine«» of a_Pidnci*rT N*tnre T»csart«i. Prompt *ttentk>n giren to tbe m*a*gement of Eststes, Gn*rdianship8, Tmst3. etc., etc., etc. Ojjicts, : Ca.iicTĪght MercLint Street, Honolnln H. MAY & Co.; Tea Dealers, Coffee Roasters ANi) Provision Merchants 98 Fort Streot. - Honolnln Families, Plantations and Ships supplied with choicest Europcan <1* Amenean Grocrries • California Produce by Every Steamer. ]S£erchant JExchanore Corner King ana Nanann Streots. S. I. SKA\V Proprietor. The Flnest selection of LIQCORS and BEER, sold anrwhere in the town. First-elass attendance. Call and judge for yourself. no 1 l3-tf. LEWIS & C0. Whoiesale snd Retail Gro AND PROV1SION DEALERS. FRESR CAUFORNIA 8ALM0N ON ICE By Every Ban Franeisco Steamer Salt Salmos.’ iu Barrels a Specialtt, /// Fort Sf., Honolulu. Tel. 240 , P O. Box 297. CALIFORNIA Wine Company 407 FORT STREET, Mclnerny Block. I JOB£ER3 0? WINJES, and SPIRITS — | KEN6LUN, PH0T0GRAPHER, Nuuanu »nd Pauahi StrceU. Cabinets. 13.50 Per Dozen, 2.00 Per 1-2 Dozen, 8x10 fo,50 Per Dozen, “ 3,50 Per 1-2 Dozen. Dry Good& anū Obinese Silks. Jy* planional 1i<oq Woi QU££5 SXEEET, Between Alakea & Richard Sts. TH£ UXDEBSIGXED are premred to make all kiads af Iron Aieaae, Rn>nze, 2iae, Tia and Lead Castmg*. AIso O«oend Bep*ir S5bop (or Steam Eagiaes, Bice Mīlk, Qoni UiH*. Watar WheeU, Wicd MiOa, «e. Maehine» far the Qe&cing of OoAee, Oastor Qū% Beaas, Eamie, Sisal, PineappU Leaves & other Fibrons Pt»8ts, Aad Paper Stock Ako MmM— for £xtracti&g St*rch inm Um Maaloe, Atrov Boot, eie. CT AU <Mpn promptly atteaad<si lo. WH1TE, R1TMAN «ft CO.