Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 193, 20 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Citysa Meat Market Oppo. Qa«?n £mma Hall, EIatablisbe«1 1883. J0S. TINKER, F^f* IL T bJjcHef^ }faker of the Cdehmted Cambridge Pork Sausage ! Trt Them. Meat D6livere\l to Any Part o! the City and Saburbs. Mutnal Telephono Nomber 289. Y0K0HAMA 0 \ r — Corner of — HOTEL i NUUANU Sts. Silk and Crepes, Embroidert\I Hadkerohiefs, \Vindow Curtains, 8traw Hats, Fans, Linlem?. Baskets. all s«)rt--*: Hiahee, Tea and Breakfa?i Sets. Trays, FIower Pots, Silk I3e«.l.juilt=», Bamboo Screens. Xeck-ties Silk and Crepe Shirts, Japaaese Toys. Japanese Provisions by the whoīesale. jy2S MURATA & CO.

City - Carriage [K'F ! Q. Co. Blacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D.}(. BEplT, Blacksmith Work • axd , Carriage Repairing PAINTING :AND : TBIMMING In all its Branchcs, at Be<t Rock Priccs. Mutual TeIephone 3S2 Give U9 a Oall aml judge for youreelf. jy23 HoYen I[ee Jjdū. Tin3miths and Oeaiers Crockery, G!Assware, WATER PIPE3 UID AND PLUM8INO XEATLV EXEttTED Vo »1 Nuwna St, bet«een Kin- and UoUl Aaea Boildi»g jjC2ra

Wingr $ing C' I»an. xo. s» irrUAXU street, hokoll lu Ik£excixa.rxt Xaj.lcr A flne ae8ortment of American, English and Scotch eiolha on kand gocd work and a F1RST CLASS fit guaranteed ClotheseaecIdn 4 repaired jy7lm SAM YEE HOP, No. āōi King Street Doaler ia Cjlifornia »od Hawaiian Fruita and Vegotablea, Guava Jelly, Tea and Gronnd Coffeo, Cigarsetc. jy2Q Ms.-n. AL Tw_ jfi& P. o. B«x 13*. WING WO TAI & CO., Ho. jj Stv*HV Snu3T Honwluu; H. L. Commission Merchanis, —btro&Txas asd D>auats ix— Gencrai Merchandise. . Fise Maai!* eiinn, ChiBv*c aml Japacate CrockerTW«re, M>ttiogs, VMee ol »U klods, Cuapborwood Trnoks. R*Uad Ch«i n i Fine .VMortBivnt of Drvu- SUtu, Chokes» Braods oI OUineae »nd Jap«m‘3« Teaa oi Loteet l»portatiocs f»4fettion o/ Ane G*MiQK*p*ei/*Ujf