Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 193, 20 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
i GONSALVES .Ulnp K«ps ob H«thi > Sa[fij ol tbe Verr Best Piooeer 8oap ln C*« of «L t2, 30, tO tad 70 8l» (Kb THE5 SOAP 13 THE Finsst Imported Eere. 3PEc lAL PRICE3 FOR 3 CA3ES OT LOT8. •M AINSLĒY I C0MPS Celebrated Brands of SC0TCE WEISREY BEN ALD0CHLA.\, Ainsleys 0LD Blended Glenlivet GLE ,M0N Extra, Special 6LENLI0N SPECIAL LI0UEUR SC0TCH WH1SKEY. Jr» F*. GEKTZ, HL BOOT axd 8HOEMAKEH Repairtng Xeatly Done. Opposito the Club 3tablo«, Fort Strcet, ami will be glail to «ee his old friend». my7 tf WA JST T K I) ! pi’RNiTURE. OI3HE3, GLA33WARE. r Clock«, Watches, Jewclry, OId GoId snd S1Itct, snd everytbing bonght and »old at lli King 3treet. oorner of Alakea. Jy*»7 P. O. Box 209. 405 Nnnanu St. S. YASUW0RI, MERCHANT TAILOK. Dealer in Japanese Goods, Boots and Shoes of Japanese make: Chcap for Cash, Now Goods by Evory Steamer. jy 23 LEE SUNG KEE, 49 KUiO STKEET. TIXSMITH, a.\d DE.\LEK IX GLASSI ware, Crockery, Uoal Oil Stoves, Wator Potn—PlumLinp in All lu Brancbes FaitLfully £xecnted. V. LUM SINO, Dealer in Fruits and Groceries. Fresh Frnits by Every Caiifornia Steamer, Eresh Isl’and Bntter from Hawaii. 135 Fort Street. Cotfee Roasted. P 0. Box 169 ‘ Fresh Island Produco, Goods Delivered to Any Part of the > "ity. jy21
8L\« irE\ KEK, TINSM1TH axd DEALEB IX TIXWARE. Piping I*aid and Repairtd. All Orders Promptly Attended to. Chargea Very Moderate. Call and See Us. No. 222 Maunakea St., lionolulu. jy20 Im lTOHAX,’’ IMPOKTER A.fi, DEALEB LX OENEKAL! I Men.'t»n<lise, Exc1««t?1t ol Japa&£* Maaafactnre—WHOLE8ALE 4 BE*rAn. 30* uk! 3W Port Strwt. P. O. Box 116 Mctaal Teie. 302. jylS Xew Japan Market. 307 ilaunakia Siretl. Fresb Meat on Ice 4 Pound 25Cts. Scocei, Manager. augl CHI>vr KEE. H0RSESH0EIXG SH0P, Maunakea a Panahi Street. * te ro •i« .OU«tall roaad *... j 00 DūOt to Vo. i Mgl BH3