Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 193, 20 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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YliYl R£KED1£8. WILL r(U : c«i«rrt. *U *%ta 4 * ****** «nri W.** irt »lw »«w2 fjcia, Uc*pt» u» esfeTt*szx4 ilUt U wfli c«rc |-Lemwr. ' Ti- >n Vrtrl>Mf «r»r<lr« «»4 «» { W :«m! b( th* BMl MkM ■! W* ]NVH Prtre» Ti:hb tfce rrarh oi »P. S«*W -■ VI r«, C. «». e»ilow», »•* HW **rr-<U V* KSo < •*r H»n bt B*i'‘ . I AT2CK:sm?I3J'3 >; K37IvS.; THE UNDEKsIONED h»»taj b« a daiy [ *pp.-intrj T«apor»ry AJmini*tr»lor of thf Es;ste of Hiuo Piu. ;h Utc of | Pioo», H. oolalu. Oaha, de.'<r»*evl k» fcerety ei»«n lo aU cmiitorv of 1 tfc« icc«u<i] to p«T*ect tfceir eiiiai afcerbcf «cared br M jrtc»tr. or oSfc>trat*e, daly aothcndic-»trd »nd »ith tfc* proper Toucber», if tn( abt to tfce uad-.T*ū{nt.d »itfcin t;t moo;!ti ttx.EC Ihe dalt hereof or tbey wiū be foreve.’ b»rred: >ad uil perH>M iodēt>»cd W tte *ūd dece*r«d «re re>;neet to mik» itamediule paymeat *t tfcē OtSo of S, K. Ki-st. Cora-T of »ad Be»bel streetj, L’ p-stair«. S K. KANE, Tempor»rj Adminv(trator of tfce Eststc of Josebh Heaoo Pele, (k) de«ased. Honololu. Aigut !*■, suj I6-3w j ADMiNISTRATiON*S N0TICE. THE UNDERSU;NED fc»Tin£ boen M( »ppointed Admīui'tr«trii of the e*l»to of IL K. Kuini e k , Ute of UaUnU, Kohal». Isisnd of H»waii. deee»sed. Noliee is bereby given to »11 crrditorj of tfce dctt»sed t<> j>'esent tlieir ciaims wfcether secnred by M >rtcaifc or otherwUe dnly autfcendicnted anU wilh Ihe proper eoueheo, if any exir>t, to tbe under*iifned within »ii months from the date hereof or they wiil be forever b*rred; and all persons itdobted to Ihe said decoased are re jne>t to make im mediate paymcnt at the Othee of S. K. K i-ne. Lorner of \nd Bethel Street,U pstairs. MKS. NAOMI KAAIHUE. Administrairix of the Estatc of II. K. Kaaiiii k. deeeased. Honoiulu, Angus 14 Uw. WAXTED. Tbree brigbt Hawaiiau Girls to sell tbe famous VlAVI EEMEDY. App!y at tbe oiHee of tbe Viavi Remedy on Kiog Street. • aug6 O F0R SALE - RENT.I | 1 Piano, 1 Orjrin and Sewing Maehine inquire of S. F. BI H(;E"i, Beretania Street. CRITERION SALQ0N, Weiland-Extra-Pak |LagEr Heep 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. jyl4 L. H. I)EE, Prop‘r ■ ■ ■ — - - | L0\/eJ0Y &C0( I ! WfjoIegale Wiqe \ LiquoP I [ 19 Nmianu Street t ‘ 11 e We would eall yoHr atlention to Our Special Brands Longlife Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY. a I »» Fredericksburg BEER au2 in casks or bottlea

T. B: Murray Im Yet to be l'ouuil Ou tbe Oltl Ht«nd, Xo. 44 King «t.—Hl» RiiHine%<* ua CARRIAGE AXU um Gcew OnWhen the “PEOPLES’ PARTY” geta smas]ied he will be ready to REPAIB, PAINT AND T81IIT At a Keasonable Figure.— No £atra Charge tor Foruishing ihem «itb O iiamoa Sense. LET THEM RIXG CP 1IUTUAL TKLEPHONE 572.