Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 193, 20 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

THOMAS LINDSAY. i : Mnnufacture Jevultr <(• Wuethmaker, Mclncrny Block, 405 Fort St. Honolalu. »n30 >’OUND MASTER’S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all persona that there are at the Goverament Ponnd at Makiki, six strayod horaet, 1 red n;aro, !ong white spot on the fore- . head, branded 2X on left hind leg and ■ bmud mdiscrib!e on left fore-leg. 1 cream mare, long white spot oa the ! forehead, brand iuJiscribable on ieg. 1 red tilly, white spot on the fore-head, being not branded, v 1 s&lmon-ool!ored horee, white spot on thc fure-head, branded A on right hind leg, white left hind !eg, feet ore shod. 1 red horse, white apot on branded P A on right hind leg. white lef: hind leg. 1 gripple horee, poorlj condition, white 3uot on the forehe«a, brauded J U on right h\nd leg, feet are white. All persons owuing these honea &re reqnested to eeme and take the um« on or before 12 o'eloek noon, SATURDAY, SEPT. 1, 1SW. JAMES KUKONA, Ponnd Master. Makiki, A,,g. 2tJ, lh94. ang 20-lwdiy

RING I P MUTUAL TFXE 3K. NIEPER S Baggage Express, 229 Fort Sl,, lloouiela. IL I. Baggage and Furniture Oarefully Handled and I>eliverēd at Sbort Noliee to All Parts of the Cily. 1 ?tand on Cor. of Fort «fc Qu©en Sta. [ H. L()SE, otary Collector and Gcneral Businc*s | PaienUe of Losb’s Chemical Compotxd for CIarifying Cane Juice . FIRE INSURANCE COS. X«tcal Tetophoaa P. O. Box 338. Herduat Honolalm, Dealera in Ladies' Sc G©Qts' Boots and Shoes made to order. I P O Box 367 Ageni. SuF-Ageni for 9everal of tke\