Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 193, 20 August 1894 — LADIES’ COLUMN. [ARTICLE]

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Wheo the tnde fiods time io doobt oar as=ertion5 aboot ?ales aod prices, bot one eoaclosion eae be formed. and that is tbat »e are setting the paee on prices, as well as doing ihe bu?iness. There is an oM proverb that ‘what is one iuan's iossis always another man s »gain.” We are going on record and charge it to what is voar gain, by trading with us, and oars by iccreased busines.s—is the othsr man’s loss. So down we go from day to dav iu prices. There is not a dull couuter in onr 8tore: we bave gotten oot of the old rut. The days of iargo profits are. over. Everv day it will be somcthing new and tempting in stylos aud prices. We can t mention but a few articles in tbis eolumn, bnt wish to impre*S you that if you want auythiug iu oor line you ean get it at KOL’K BOTTOM FKICES aud a guarantee the poods are as rejiresented. If you buy those Turkish Towels of ours you will surely pray for raiu. They are so different from the eheap things otfered as Turkish Towels. Cash bought these so that we ean sell them at just as low a figure as the eheap goods are offered at. A handsome PCRSE is a very deceptive tuiug It almost always creates the impressiou that there is mouey iu it, and so there is, if you save on tho purohase price by buying of us. We struck a su ij» in our purchase of PURSES —and will give you the bonefit of it. They run from 25 ceuts to perfect beauties in Real Alligator and Russian~Seal with Sterling Silver Mouutings, i j I 1 :