Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 193, 20 August 1894 — HAWAII’S “BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]

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C0XSTITUTI0X and LAWS Framoil l>v the Missionaries. * LAWS of tlie HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. All vessels at auchor are forbivlden to throw stonos and heavy rabbish over board in tho harbor. Let it be carrio 1 on shore. Any vessol throwing its rnbbish into t!:o h:»rbor shall bo fined ten dollarrs for the first otienso, lf done again twenty dollare, aud thus the fiue shall bo doubled for every repetition of the ofienso. Furthermore, at half-past seven o’eloek in the evening. a gun shall bo fired from tho fort. when all boats and s*;a!non shall returu to their ships; the whole must return, and at eight o’eloek another gun will be fired. When tho second gun is heard, then all seamen [remaining on shore] will bo seized and delivered to thoir sevoral Consuls, who will pay to the poliee officers two vlo!lars for eaeh seaman thus sei/ed.* And it shall be tho duty of tho polieo ofiicers to examine and search, at tho houses of entertainment aml other placcs frequented by thoso mon. And whatever native or foreign rosident, shall aid secreet, or entortain a seam»n on shore in violatioa of this law shall pay ton dollars. And whosoevor shall oppose the poliee officers with force iu their search for such persons shall be fined ten dollars. *Tbe ilesign ia that the eapUin pay the two dullars to the Coasul. But i( the Consnl prefer not to pey, theu the deiinquant shall be lakeu to tho ( Tt, »nd shdl be delivare«l to the eaplaiu on hw paying six dollars as is doue with all persons who havo been eoniinei. No vessel shall leavo tho harbor until a cortificate froia the harbor raaster shall be granted, certifying that the port j regulations have heen complied with for whieh ho has tho right to demrtnd one dollar. Any vossel whieh s.ti!s without such oertificato shall bo fiued one hundred dollar>. And the pilot is hereby forbidden to take any vcssel out of the j harbor until sitch cartificato is presonted. Aud thoso Oonsuls also that take chargo of the papers of ships belonging to their several countries aro requosted not to deliver up tho papers until the conditions of this »oction are complied with, L.\ws applicable to the port 0F LAHAĪN'A om,y. Whenever a foreign ship or vessel sball anchor otf Lahaina, sbe shall be visited as early as convenient by tho harbor master, who sball exhibit to the comraauder of said foreign vessel a certificate of his nppointmeut, signt l by the Governor of tho Island. Every raaster of a foreign vessel who desires tho privilcge of purchasing refreshments for his ve--sel at Lahaina, sh \ll pay to the barbor master, teu dollars, in retuin for whieh said inaster shall be entitlcd to receivo fivo barrels of (>ota toes, with the privelego of purchasiag at pleasore in tho market, supplies for his shij>, according to tbo ru!cs of tho plaee. Ho ahall a!so be entitled to the protectioo of tha laws, both for himself, his officer», bis men and his property as long as be and those under the command obey the laws of the Island. It shall be conaidered irregular for sailors from fOroign ships to spead the night on shoro withoot the loavo of tho Governor, and whoever is foond on shoro ono hour after snnset, shall be pat in confiuement until morning aud then be delirered to the master of the vessel to whieh he belongs, who shall pay to tho harbor master sii* dollars for every man thos delivered. ‘ Smce alt«r«d to tvo doiiors. If on acconnt of sickuess or for other reason3, any master of a vessel sball wish to have his men on shore during tbe night, he shail firet apply to the Govcrnor of the plaee, and roceiving his permis3ion, tbe men may reside on sbore, but sball remain within the Iimits assigned them by the Governor, or shall b« snbject to confinemcnt and penaity aecording to the 3rd. section o£ this law. | Henceforth two ligbts will be kept barning, one directly above the other and opposito the entrance for boats. Ali sbips anchoring at Lahaina and making any purohases, shal! pay one do)Iar eaeh towards tbe support of said lights. When tbese Iaws are printcd and given to any eapiain of a vessel then the laws will be appiicab!e to that vessel. And on the first day of September of the cnrrent year they will heeome binding in ali parts of the Hawaiian l3laads. AU these harbor laws aro enacted by the Nobles and repr©sentatĪTes and we have set oor namos on this focrth day oI Alay in tbe yoar of our Lord, one thousand eighfc hundred and forty one at Lahaina, MauL (Signed.) KAMEHAMEKAIII. KEKAULUOHl. (To Be OonlinanL)