Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 193, 20 ʻAukake 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
More dirorce »oits W. Krs.sie aod A. Dreier ar-j in U; wo. i Tlie sportsmen are getting their • guns ready. About 170 people Lave regis- • teiod ou Mam. . T'uere is a wedd:ng in sight on Kukui Street. The Dicycle Club lunched p.t S.ms St>uci yostt-rday. Tbe steaiuer Australia carried forward 5.633 letters and 2,888 paj>er«. Honoluln hood!uimsneeds curbiug. The “Tu>er” should take j the iuattor up. Preperations are beiug iuade l lo open the “Qaeen ’ hoiel on Nauano street. Tho bsnd concert at Eiuma Square on Saturday afternoou was will attended. The Steamer 31ariposa is due here frora tiie Colonies ou Thursday next the 23 inst. Mr. C. B. Makee arrived from Kanai yesterday morning and is ( staying at Sans Souci. Colouel 8herwood entertained , a large number of visitors at Long Branch yesterday. Although there is no li in the month, the oysters at the Anchor are ever fresh aud very palulaLle. The wiudward to\vor of tho Kaumakapili Church presents a mueh \veather-beatou appearance. > ' Band coucert tlus eveniug at I i Emma Square performance eom- : menciug at 7:30 o eloek. No new t j pieces. The Steamor Belgic, from the Orieut, bouud for Sau Fraucisco, j is duo hero from Yokobaraa to- ' ■ , The Womau’s Christiau Tempemnee Associatiou will me©t toruorrow afternoon in tho parlors ’ of the Central Union. K. Amaya’s pbotographic | studio on Nuuauu Stroet is worthy of beiug patronized. Good wovk and sraall prices. x Jupanese bave gono into tbe , clothes’’ busiucss aud ; otfer lower prices, but not so ; gcod work, as tho Chinose. Tho Hawaiiau band plays at Emma Square to-uight. The programme does not eonlaiu one single compoeition of Professor ' Berger. 1 The “boys" will rather spend their Sundays doing the islaud on wheels than sleeping in Cas- ; tle's synagogne. What is the country coming to. ) j ~ 1 Tho new management o{ 16preckelsTille is continuing making changes in ihe j>erson©l , ol ihe and has cut expensos down considerably. t The laiest court evonts of ius tercst are the libe!s for divorce • iustitutod by Phoebe Makee neo 0 l)owsett va. C. B. Makoe. and by Lydia Davis nee Cummins vs. . • R Davis. ■ ■ r Maoadamiziug of £mma Street , {is not yet completed. The work \ when comploted wili probably resnlt in presenting one of the a best macadamizod roads in ihe 1 I ci*y. All rooma at Sans Souci have e beeu taken. Numerous peoplo ** ' eujoy the excellent bathing at the favorite seaside resort and iue superb euUiue of manager t ehupman. K g ■ Only one of the poliee capUins t: hns been caoght in the act of s ‘ receiving a bribe frora Asiatic n law-breakers and that one is Cape tain E. Laugley a stauuch snppor >r ters of Ihe *'powora lhat bo. - ’ Ho i~ j has beou dĪ8eharged aud also his t- | lieuteuant Sam Slone who is saiJ e 1to bo mixed up iu the afiair with I ūiacrodit to himaeli.
One ot H. P. B*ldwin’s sons. just out of scbool, w mentioned as « candidito for tbe c’.recitjudgeship on M.iui. w 7 i>rer a th .ufiand empty becr kegs were returned t» Sau Francisco by tbe stearaer Aostraiia. One etfect of Ihe preTailiug dronght Only 2,<VA bags of sug«ir were ’ brought to port here duricg the last 48 hour*. This small amount raeans longer delay for vesaels Ioading for the Coast. The obnoxiou> vines stili hang over the w.ill of the Bisbop residenee on Emma Street. Now that Mr. King has returneil from Ewa he will probably notice the obstraction himse!f. There is an untraceab!o rumor current to the etfect that a thousand stund of arms has been lauded ou oue of the other islands for whom or for what j>urpose is uot stated. A m.itch fur the chamj)ionshij> rifle-team shootiug will t*ke j>laco next Saturday at the Makiki rauge. Compauy D. Cai>t. Wilder, i and E, of tho regular army, will comj>cte; Vhe oddsaro in the favor | of Co D A serious fight bet\veen a Ohiuamau nud a Jaj)anese is rej)orted. Tho sou of the yellow dragon knocked his adversary iuto a chrvsautemum —and the hospital. Au investigation ahoulil 1 be held. Tbe steamer Australia took as frieght to Sau Francisco over 3,0<X) s.cka of rise, naarly 6,00C> sacks of sugar; 5043 bunch bananas; 7U4 beer kegs and a lot ■ uiscelIaneous merchandise. A stroug northerly broe«e has ; beeu blowiug all the morniug aud the pulverized jiarticles of Honolulu thoroughfares gives pedestriaus opj>ortuuity to be uu\villingly c.mnabalistic. The members of the Maunerehoer Society had a glorions pienie yesterday, the outing taking plaee within the premises of tho hospitable Paul D. Isenberg, at Waialae. The merabers of the Mannerchor Society had a glofior,s pieuie yesterday, the outing taking plaoe within the premises of tbe hosj)itable Paul D. Isenberg at > Waialao. Tho Board of Registry and' E\aminers are s>till on their travels, aml are reported to be meeting with poor snccess in obtaining the names of voters “to the manner born.” — . The programme by tho “Greek Horcu!es” at the Opera House on last Saturday evening was very 1 j->oorly atteuded. The events wore not all pvesented on aeeouni oi ihe small amlienee aml interveuing circumstances. Nuuanu street residents have been blessed with a fair supply : of water in the pij>es, during Suuday aud up to noou of today. They wonder where it eame froni no rain »allen, and the >uuana stream being now a mero brooklet. > The old bark Velocity, Capt. Marten, from Hong Kong for this p rt, »rrived here Saturday afternoon after a long passage of 93 days. The tears of the wator I front prophets are stopped from flowing by the sale arrival of tbe vessel. | Mr. Gorham D. Gilman ihe Hawaiian Consnl located at > Boston Mass. bot who has been ) roaming aroond the coontry here j for a monlh or more iā a man of > I a;any parts. Yesteniay he filled r the pulpit at Kawaiahao CLurch I and delivered a sermon. s The Jeaih is announced in f this city on the 19th inst of Mrs. b Estella Swenson wife of Captain - Swenson of the bark Matilda. r The deceased was only in her 3 twonty-flrst yoar and was a great s favorite with m»ny residenta I here The fuqeral took plaoe a ' vhia morning and was attended I by maay friends. 1