Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 193, 20 August 1894 — The Police Court. [ARTICLE]

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The Police Court.

The court room was paekeil lhis momiu", aml Jadge Koheil»ou a had lengtliT and mnchly varicd ‘billof fare"boforo him. The caso of Conltor t!ie alicged highwayman was not cailed. The Chinese witness who claims to have becu assaulted and robbed is slill cocfmod at the hosj»ital. fhc vlog }>oisouing case agaiust C.Hamraor will l>e honrd lomorrow V. V. Ashford for ihe prosocution; C. W. Ashford for tho dofense. l'he Japanese hbeljsuits have &gainst beeu coutinued by mutual cousent lill the 16th of t>eptom bor. Tho inmates of a cortain honse ou King strect, havo beeo arrestevl forkeopiuga maiamāephisir. Captaiu Andrews mado the arrest oa Salarday nighi. The easos »iil be heard on Friday. The arres(ovl parties consist of two men and two weeeen, nll auppoe ed to hail from Ui l*IU France. V. V, Ashford is their attoruey. A lnrge number of cases for illicit liquor selling, Che Fa. druukeuo»s, as..auhs atlrays &nd gambling were disposevl of. Robert Pulau, n Hawaiiau of u commandiDg appeaianee and formerly triod for being a heroic couspirator was fiuevl $100 for tb« e*}ualiy j»atriotic eiime of selling awipw.