Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 193, 20 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Club Stables Company, FOB 8ALE. A nSE ** MlDMOHT MALUON eoit Maiuini k> P. D. I-wuhen*. Th« eoit «uh. «Millk P.\NTHKOS 3TABLE ftom So-B»om>«. MCIĪY CARBIAGE C0. Corner KING »od BETHEf. Sl, F. (qi f aham, Manager * 'S*. Livery and Feed Stables. KOUT STREET, betwet*n IIotel and Bertl.tni.i Streets, Honolulu. Bolh Telephonts jy 23 lm 477 ! PIONEEK StBani CAN0Y Factory. CARRLVGES, AT ALL HOl*RS. Both TeIephones No. 113. J. S. ANDRADE. Msna«er. june I5-tl. £.ong Branch -8ATHWGEstabllshment. Thi< Firsl-Cl«38 D.ithing Resort has been enlargeii and -S now open t« the p'ihlio. It is the ' • .-*t plaoe on the ielar il3 to enjoy a B.ith. au.l there is no better nlaee to Iay otL Special acconunodations for I«idies. Trjmcars p;*?s ihe >1 >r every half hour, aiul nn Satardays aml Sundays every fiftecn miuulee. C. J. SHKRWOOD, jv24 Proprietor. Removal ! Ili 14 i:ilY aii<l m iii lee CToam Parloi*s! hopn’ 1863 1894 r-sr PBACTICAL CON KKCTJ.ONEH and ORNAMENTER In all hra,iche* of th« hu.*iiif*i ou , thr*r i«land*. Amcrican, (>orm»n anJ Prench PASTR1ES Madc to Order. BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES' Mailo ol thc Very Bcst M»tcrial and at Kcaso'nablc Kates. Family Graham & Fancy Bread .U<ray* on Hauiī. ALL < OXFFXTIONKRY ManufactnreJ at My Estab1ishmcnt Arc (Juarantidl to bc l’ositivcIy Purc and Sold at Prites no otber cslabli«bmcnt ean eompele witli. gWT FACTORT ANI) 8TORE, No. II HoteI 5trect. Houolulu. Buth īelephone* No. 71. jyJ6 PANĪHEON 3ALOON, POKT AND IIOĪEL ST5. HeadQnarters Enterprise BkwīB£ Co. TUE Largest Consignnjcnt of Beer that ever arnved here, no*r on Draught j>H J. DODD, Prop’r — .. ■ — — ■ NOIIOE T0 Visitcrs. Pienie Parties. Lnans —AND—OENEKAL PUBLIC! At Sjiith'« Bls ANl> Livekv Stable, Kin<; Street. fAdjo«niiig Metn.potiuui M«U iLarkct.] U the Cbeap«t PUc« in Towu yon an s(et 5«s;<s, W*Lgoneues, and Soddia Hones. it will pay yon to eaO and aee before yon try ekewbere. Matnal TeIephonc 408 »nglt l Pioneer Shirt Factory EBTABLIsHED I**S7. A. M. ME1LI8, Propri6tor, *B Port SL, {Up*tahrv II..»lulu, tiood FfL j r ' J. H. TRUSCHLER, B«ot Sc Shoemaker. III Fvri ikrtd. Rep«iriDg, ueatly Done, half ōole Aui heel vitb pegs, il.UO. H«If 5olē and heel sewing, $1.50. -_ - « Hustace & Co. — HAVE MOVED T<> - - Morgan’s - Auelion - Pooma for a »hort liine. We arc*lilt scl!ing Departure Bay COAL charcoal, AI,GEROl>.\ 6 tul KTNDLING \VOOD in »ny <|uauCity. Both TetepIionc« 111 aut> Empire Salooii. JAM£8 OI.DS, Pnopuinoi;. pine Wiiies, Liqucrs. 3ecr ALWA8 ON HAND, Coraer Nnuanu anJ H-Jc! Strect.«. Bcll Te’.ephoue 211. Post Offlcc BoX I0T Woven Wire Mattresses Now, for the fir**t time manufuctured rigbt here in Honolulu. By the only man outaide of the United Kingdom, who usea \\TRE, whieh will not Rl’ST*, he having secure«I exclu8ive rights lo use the same. PATRONiZE HOME INDUSTRY is a hackneved phrase. But if you want to buiid up a Nalion, imīuatries must be fostered. Keep your a,on f y in your own ialands, an*l buy a Non-Corrosive Soiid Comfort Spring Bed. made in Honolulu, whio'i wi!l not SAG or RUST. or. A Perfc«tkin C«>t. ehiU’* Cnb. Vrraujab Chjdr, Lmingc. Threr-Qiurten 5. ji*U- »mJ Pull >īi%. EoUine Wlrc B> 'i-. ARTICLES suitable to yonr elimaie; PRICES soitab!e to the times, as you find them. For the Hef*r I5I-7I> iii t lie >Iai‘ket, I recwninenil the HARTFURD WKAVE 8PRLNG BED. Trebie Wire ali tbrougb, WOVE3i as fine eloih. Sjlid 4 ineh. M.ple ūamea, MalieaLle Castings, Warrantēū in every par--t;cular. Xever yet failed to jjive satisfaction. I ofler tfae«« g«x:d» to the pubiic with confidence, having made them for years. Y-»u ean now g>>t your very Large KOA BKDS, Sttcd with a WIRE MATTRBSS. Any si/e made to gM' Buy the BEU of th<* FCTt’HE, of Meaan*. T. II. Davie« ife Co. Lt’d., Hopp A Co., Williama Broe., I. X. L, 6rdway «k Porter, or of ihe Maker W0VEN WIRĒ BAILEY. Hotel Slreet, Honolula, (next d«or to Horn’s Steam Bakery-> aug 14-Jm