Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 193, 20 ʻAukake 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp‘y. [ARTICLE]
Hawaiian Hardware Comp‘y.
Jaly 24 1S«H. Iu’ Paddeubead Wilson’s Philosophy Mark Twaiu says: “Pat ali cf yoar eggs in oue basket — aud watch that bas‘iet." Egg* are not tbe only things to whieh this appHes, we ean mako it fit stoves and cbange eggs into do;lars add make it read —lnvest your eoin in a P«bsv Stove —an.l the stove will waieh itself. We have been watching theso stoves for the pust five years, and fiud tuem the best iron stove sold in this market for the aioney. Wheie else thau nt our store ean you get a stove th.it will do overy tiiing that a $Ō0 stove will doand get it for $15? Eeho answers, the plaee isu’t bailt.’ We have sold hnndreds of theso stoves iu Honolnlu, and never had a eomp!aint. Two weeks ago, we sold one to a gentlemau ou Hawaii, and yesterday he ordered auotber ■ for a friend. The stove sells f itself thr ugli its fuel saving qnalities. and because, it is a i good bakor. Yo'.i eun get other ; styles of stoves if you are not , j pariicalar as to tho quantity i of fuel yoa baru or how yonr food is cookod. There’s no dys - i pepsia iu mea!s preparetl on a PANSY. We received last week a lot of wire clotbos-lines that hoM washed clotlies withoat n.sing ' pins. It is a sort of doublc vvire arrangeruent and the pieces are 1 I hekl iu between; the harder the wind blows the tighter tbo pioces 1 j aro hekl to tho lino. Thero is . i absolutely no danger of the clothing beiug toru as there is nothing sharp about the line. While tho cost i.s a trifie greator than rope, this new style will last so mueh louger tbat it is eeonomieal to buy the pinless liue. The CLAUSS is one of the uew fangled suv-edge knives that euts waiiu bread without loaving it heavy and ieeel eake without making crurabs There are two or three d fi'orent m <kes of these knives, all on the samo principle and eaeh one prononnced the ; best on earth by the manufacturers. We se!ected the Claass, ' whieh we believe as a disinterestod spectator to be bettor than its neighbors. Y"ou never had anything in your Iifo tbat give as mueh safisfaction for a doilar. If you wcre baying the other sort yon woukl get only one. The favorite sewiug maehine j u | in anv communitv is tbc one that does tho most for tbe le*st mouey and whieh ruus the easicst. In tbe “Wertheim” yon have a maehine tbat sews three distinct stitches—Tbo Loek, Cbain and j Embroidery aud runs easier than any other maehine, and you pay twentv dollars less for it. Eeonomy stands boldly everv r side when yon buy a Wertheim. In I tucking the ehain stitch is pro- i j ferable, but in other kiuds of work. tbe ioek stitch is tbe best. I if you buy a maehine tbat sews the loek, un!ess it is a Weiiheim, !it won’t sew a ehain stitcb. | , There’s no particular saving in j baying a maehine with but ono ; siitch. tbe Wertheim does thrce j j and saves yoa lots of troab!e and | work. We’ve jast unpacked six casks of stand lampstbat wcre boilt for ' hanl iimes. They have metal • 1 bases and arc decorated so as to make a very neat appearance in a room We don't tbink yon ean get as gootl a iamp any where eise for tbe money, try as hard as yoa pl6aso. Oar »tock of Uble catlerv. h * r 1 | spoons ana forks is as Iarge as ? yoa will find in aay store in San , Franctsco, and our piices compare favorab!v with those in New i York. { * • Tte Hawiuaa Hanvare I I. m Fori Str»M t