Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 193, 20 ʻAukake 1894 — Not Settled. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Not Settled.

— Washinotos, Aug«st 3.— The understamling aiuong the tarilt i conferees when they adjourned this afteriiOon was, that the session tomorrow should bring about either uu agreernent ou the sugar schedulo or a ilecisiou to report a disagreoment To-day was devuted by Ihe couference to i a discussion on tho sngar qoestion. This scheduio in detail piovides for a duty of 40 per cent. j ad valorem on sugar below 10 Dutch standard, and 40 per cent’ abovo this grade, the duty on i the refiued sngar to be collected j ou the basis of the sacchorine strength of the raw sngar nsed iu it with 1-5 of a ceut dirfereutial on the refinod, and a discriminating duty equal to tho export duty levied by snch sngar-pro-duciug conntries as pay a bonnt5on sugar production. This schedule was suomitted to the conferenee as the uliimatum of tlje conservative Sunatois, comiug through iM;naior Siuith of New Jtrsey, and the Houso couferees were giveu to nuderstand that the schedu!e was the nearest approach to the requirements tl.at the Senate eouhl make with an assurance that the bill wouhl pass iu the Senate. Some of the Houh«3 conferoes are faVorably inclined toward the schedule, but tbey believe it defines exactly the extra duty to be paid on the rtfiued sngiirs and is free from the objection nrged against the Senatc schedule; that owing to tbe wording of ihe schedule it was impossible to teli beyoud the one-eighth oi a ceut ditfereutial what the duty would be on the refiued article. They are of the opinion that the duty in the scbedule presented to day will be confined to one-fifth I of a cent dirferential. It is understood, bowever, that i while iuclined to accept these figures as the best they eaa get, ! and while considering that in this they seciue au advantage over the Senato schednle, they indicated a desire toccnsider the qnestiou over night, and that it was on this accoant that tbe decision, whieh ft was boped won!d be reached to-day, wili be postponed nnlil tomorrow. Heprcsentativa Bland has in- I troduced a resolation instrncting i the* Committees on Ways and! Means to repoit a bi!l placing «11 | sugars on tbe free list and for raising il00.000.000 revenne by an ineome tax. Blaud say8, eon- i cerning tbe res<dntion: “I have not consulted Wilson, nof any one else, but have acted on my own jndgmeut iu aubaiitting the resolution. My porpose is to press it, if tbere is any indica tiou tb«t the general taritf bill will fail.” 1