Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 193, 20 August 1894 — The McGrew Divorce Case. [ARTICLE]

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The McGrew Divorce Case.

The frlfhr* oa tui< uoruir.g before JnJge Cot»j*cr. The plaintitf (pr guaniian c»lu-vl ■ts witn r ss 10. Biirnhrt.nll an engiaeer ia t!ie dn «lepaK'uenk wbo gave a ratber st.-irtlmg er;— •lenee. Jfr John S \taiker the second witne?v<, an.l a Portn gaese girl wis fia tlly called. At noou ihe coart took a r«cess aad the case.~ was to be continae.i this a(ternoon. The nime o( a we!Iknown %'onng society lady was made rather promineat daring the proceedings The ev uleuee presente.l iu thi» remarkabie suit will be pt;blishēd in daa t«me. I auic.tiions are that theea.se will at Ieast occapy all diy tomorrow.