Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 192, 18 August 1894 — A Suggestion to Dole. [ARTICLE]

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A Suggestion to Dole.

A new imlustiy for kings 1ihs ; justbeen mveuted aud successfully tried by n Frenchman. Hegot bimself eleeted raonarch of a remote Malay tribe, wLieh appears to be not sufiiciently civil- , ized to bave a uamo of iis owu. j Tbeu, witb a vicw to a rainy day, I 1 be printed au extensivo series of ! stamps— iu limited editions. In « short tirae be was deposed, j for tbe Malay tribe was civilized euongh f>r a revolation. He | departed. tdking tbe surplus ' stock of staraps witb him The ; surplusstock comprised tlie whole j outpnt, for noue of bis subjects could rend or write. Tbe stamps are mueh sought after by coljectors, uud tbe ex-mouarcb is living iu Iuxnry on the proceeds.— PaU Mall Biuiget.