Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 192, 18 ʻAukake 1894 — CORRESPONDECE. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu


sau* ■eiioar»>4m f r tbe opiuMM or thc attenw»> onr Editos H<&oxca: Are tbe t-»x-p-*yers aware tbat tbey are snbsidizing a regnlar boteI m tbe palape gronnds wbere not alone ihe **arnjy"get itsgrub, but 8erera! outsiders get tbeir fingers in tbe pie and save their Iegitimate board-bills ? Our Ute coramander- witb - the- rank- ofeolonel didn t like to be shelved at all. The loss of authority and title was bad. t }te loss of his new government-paid nniform was worse. bnt tbe Ioss of pcr qnisites and grub was tbe finisbing stroke. The government realizing bis wonderful merits in assurr>ing comraaod after Stevens Lad assured bim that there wou!du’t be any fight bates to disappoiot the poor fe!low and it bas generoasly al!owed him to take his grub at tbe officers uess and at the expense of tbe taxpayers. Hasu’t tbat man sucked euough out of tbe treasnry? He has been paid$250 a mooth since January 1893, for doiug nothiug whieh interfered with h>s running his paper-and-ink-store He wassent toSan Fraucisco to learu the military busines8, fur wLieh he was paid, and tbe government paid bis expeuses. Ho now final- | ly boards at the exj>enso of the 1 country, aud I leam tbat a eom- j missiou bas been issuod to him wiiieh ensures him a military salute, bis nnifurm and his titie j I aud grub. He is now Adjutaut- ; j General if tbo Hawaiian army. 1 j What uext ? A Soldiek