Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 192, 18 August 1894 — TELL THE TRUTH. [ARTICLE]

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The deTctes considemble space tbis mominp, to prove tbat minoritv ra!e i» jnstifiable. and that a goTercmeDt of ■ a cliqae a d for a cliqne sap- j ported by hired b«yoncts, is a trne ‘•repnMic.” Tbe mominp i organ iu its ahaal slobbering way oompares S. li Do!e. tbe willing tool of tbe faraily compact to Lineoln. the lrnest republican ! evor scon in tiie United States. We bave m> kiek eomi ng. The eompael and its orgm are easily satisfiod, and tbey feel obliged to invost that ven' mediocre and eommonplaee man Dole with qnalities. whieh makes him stand forth iu bold relief as a hero, « sl.’ttesman, and a genins. Bv st» doing, some of the glory emnuating fr'>iu thi», their idol, is shed on thcir own he.ids and tbov all feel snj)ornntnralIy virtuoas nnd clever. WLat we de8i"re tbe eompael to do is to tell tho tratb f>r onee. ' They di 1 ; inio the eonspiracy tvbicli led t" the revoiotion, i>ociuso, their “rights’' ‘ were encroached, on or out of love for | "li' c d lilx-rty. They joincd th<- 10 vo!uei;t {■ r thc jn;rposo c.f fiuai;ciul aiul ]>oiitical gain. Tbey havo al\vays desired lo rulo this countiy, a!though, coinj>osed of a very amall miuoriIv and as long as tliey or»Iy had tiic HiwaiianH to deal with, tbey succeeded at lcast, j»artially. lu 1SS7, they woro virtaully deprived of their political j>ower. They rovoltod. and tho reius of the governmeut fell into their iiands f.>r nearly three years. Their nrrogance nnd misraanage- | ment. their greod nud selfishness mnde them deserved!y uiij)Oj»alar and n j»oliticnl wavo swej>t them out of siglit in 1800. In spite of all their eflbrts, in spite of bribery and corruj)tion of the most uuscrupnlooR kind, their defeat w«s rej»eated and emj)hasized in 189‘2 The family eompael had ceased to exist ns a polhieal fsctor in 18!*3. Followiug their timehonored j»oIicy of rulo or rain, ! they rusbed hendlong iuto the Stovens couspiracy, reudy to 1 sacritice the iudej»endeuce of the country, rOady lo hring misery : and disnster on the nation, and roady lo stand beforo the world »s j>erjurers and traitors, if only ! :» movemeut could be maile whieh eouKl briug tliem out of j»olitical obscmity. The atteinj»t of the Queen to proclaim a new coustitution, wus tho weleome occasiou to set the ball rol!ing. Tbe lawyers of • the fumily compact hjjd seen the draft of the now constitution;! they had helj»ed iu fraraing it: they had encoaragod the j>roclamation of it. “Go abead, go ahead,” saug the editor of the Adtrrli»er on the momiup of the ‘ 14th of Junuary, “dou't stop tho Quecu from pioelaiminp her eonstitution.“ Thero was no !figbt for rights, there was no talk about j)olitical ; liberty. If the Queen had not attempted to procl»im the eoustitution, tbc results would have boon the same. The passage of the lottory bill nnd tho apj)ointment of the Parker Cabinet were reasons to be nsed for the caliirg of a mass-meeting, the i fcrmation of n committcc of safe- ; ty. the lauding cf Aruerican troojvs and the rstablishment of n j»rovisiona! governraent. Docs tlie A lwli-ni ihink that we don t know all the j»articulars and r!l the arrangements eounecttd wilh tho Stevons eon- . spiracy? An j ;\l!; ■of a smail iuiuoiity "hieli on!\ eau hold iiself in }>ow<.r, because, it has iooted Ihe tiv;isaiy, s;.d lherehy ueen en*blod t\» hire morcenat\ soIdiers «mi j.vuvhase unlimited amounts *■£ - ..n.i ammunilion is an ctu ma!\ The .i lverii*er man has studied history and therefore. Le koows that, at this date, oo inmonU government eau «xut, and that tbe dtys when «ight uas iight aro {>«88ed. The

1 official org»u b%s JccUre«l fb*t iha family c/iopsct. nhieh now for tht* 1.%** tim« rfil«# in H*«aii | will »ub a'>t«s»g b» tiie p',ople. It iruiīna.-ttes tbat a n.=in'>rj ty gOTernmeDt. ii* jngt fi >b!e a» n * tenporary in-t tutu>n The *pi po:ntment WThont eleeiion of . DoIe to !be presiJeney of t!io repnbl e fjr the uext »ix rear>» sbovh tbat tl>e eompaet projK»»es to Lang on to tbe power--and tho treasnry, for tbat period at least. With a majority of foreigners against tbem, witb a ! bitterly di«satisfisd Portagaese colcoy, witb the nnrelenting batred of the Hawaiiaus. and tbe ill-will of tbc Asiatic popnlation, ■ the compact with its birelings and bayon«U wiil have its hauds full in defendiog its power, and—the treasnry. Wbat the end will be nobody e:n doabt. A goveroment of the people, by the j>eople and t*or the people must be est iblished in Haw.iii—eall it mouarchy, empire. republic or state, aud tho day for its aecomplishment is uut far off. In the meantime, Iet the Ādverli9tr aud the corapact drop all its higbsounding pbrases about poMieal liberty, po.ilieal rights and p:itriotic rot aud own up, tb.it tbey are tbere for pelf, power and position, and :f tbey \ ever do figl.t, tbey will fight for tlieir i>ocket8.