Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 192, 18 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Citysa Meat Oppo. Qo«en Eoma Hall, EsUbIished 1883. JOS. TINKER, f\mx }faicer of the Celebrūted Cambridge Pork Sausage I Tby Thek. Meat Dolivered to Anv Part of the City and Soburbs. Mutual Tolephone Numher 288. Y0K0HAMA ix — Corner of — HOTEL & NUUANU St«. Silk and Crepes, Embroidered Hadkerchiel9, Window Curtains, Straw Hala, Eana, Lnnterns, Basketa. »11 sorts; • Dishe8, Tea and Breakfast Seta, Trays, FIower Pots, Silk Bedquill», Bamb<x) Screens, Neck-ties. Silk and Crepe Shirts, Japaaese Toya, Japaneso Provisions by the wholejy28 MURATA A C0. City - Carriage M F’Q- Co. i Biacksmith Shop 107 KING STREET D. I(. BEjlIī, Blacksmith Work AND .Carriage Repalring PAINTING ; AND : TRIMMING In »11 its Brancbes, at Bed Rock Price9. Mulual Telepbone 382 Give U8 a Call andjudge for yonreelf. jy23 HoVeni(B8^(]ū. Tinsmiths and Dealers Crockery, GlAssware, §c. WATER PIPE8 LAID AND PLUMBI.VU XE.\TLT EXEtTTED Xo fl N'aoana 3t, betwc«n King nnd Hot«t Aaea Bailding jr6 -*m Wim* Cliam* XO. 330 XVUAXU STBEET. HOXOLULU ant Tailox A fine aaaonmenl of Amenean, English and Scotch Clotba on h»nd . gocd work and a F1RST CLASS fit gu»r»nteed CIothe9eaec!dn <k repaired jy71m SAM YEE HOP, No. 552 King Street Dealer in California and Hawaiian Fruita and Vegctahl«8, Guava Jeliy, Tea and Gmund Cotfee, Cig»rsetc. jy20 MffTVAL T«i_ j66. r. o. Ee* ljj. WING WO TAI & CO., X* *5 Kucakv St**£ r. Hos#n lc, H L. Commission Merchants, —IvrOKKX8 AXD DtALXJtd Di—6enerai Merchandise. fla« Mwall» Ci£*rs, Chiae*e and Lrockwvw»r«, M»ttlnes. Vtm M *U kuKU. Ca»pborwood Traaka, tUttts Ch*lr». A FIae AMortaKot ot Orest iHlk», Ctoice»t Bnad* o( Cbta«M %ad J»panese Te»s of L»te«t lnport»tk>a» ImpKikm o/ A*ew Gvod4rupet(/*!fy *oLcU*d-