Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 192, 18 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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YUTI IEKD1E8. WILL mC (. >wnnp*fc«. !'turh. «'n'op.>Wn V <■»•««, r« ni«taSf. »i rt>» ia »ont («■- T(opn »rr eEtcrtalaed tk«! Ss wlU f«r» r »!t Tf*rt»Uf *n4 «*» be n*t<I br tfce imM V'w»se im lbe cWMPrtof» <i!hlo tfc* «li. -"«M fcy C. Q. C»ll*war, ••* »««* Biwt. uo&e H»rwjnr B*... ®«el«lo Removal! Hnstace & Co. — H.WE XOVEI> TO Morgan's - Auction - Rooms for » #bort liae. We irestill #eilinsj Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, ALGER0I>A aiul KINDLING \VOOD in aor ;u»Qtlty. Both Telephones 414 »n6 LOVEJoy &CQr Wiqe \ Liqūoi t ūealei? * 19 Nuuanu i?treet We would eall your attention to Our Special Brands Longlife df Pure cream RYE WH/SKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in caskaor bott!ea Empire Saloon, JA\IEjj OLDS, Fropbietoh: V/ines, Liquors. Beer ALWAS ON HAND, Corner Nunann and Hotel Streets. Bell Teleplione 241. Post Office Box 107 T. B. Murray Is Yet to be Found On the Old Stau«l, \o. 44 King St.—Hls HnniineM aw CARRIAGE AND m mmm Groes On. When the ‘ PE0PLES’ P ARTY” gets siuashed he will be ready to REPAIR. PAINT AND TRIIIT At a ReasonabIe Fignre. — No Extra Charge for Furnishing tbem with Common Sense. LET THEM RING UP MUTUAL TELEPHONE 572. Jy21 dm MACHINE MADE POI! FACT0BV, ; : KAUHL Taro Plants, Fresh Tops and Raw Taro at ail titnes. Ring Up Matual TeIephone 577, Bell 545. W. L. WILUON, Jy25 Manager. Fernaiides & Gomes W H0LE5ALE Cai?fornla Winea and Spirits, No. 502 Fort St,. Honolaia, H. I. P. 0. Box 436, Maioal Tele. 140. tya98»