Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 192, 18 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

| ADmiri8mTiO!rsx notice. TUE UNDERSIGSF.D having been dulv iu>p>ointed Tempor*rv Administr*tor of the Estate of Josej*h 1Ie\no Pele. (k) late of l’auoa, HonolnlU, Oahii, deee*«ed. Notice i» hcreby given to all creditors of the deceased to prēsent lheir elaima whether secnred by Mortgage, or otherwise, duly antbendicated and with the proper vouchers, if »ny exlst to thc uudersigned wilhin six months from the date hereof or they wlll be forever t>arred; »nd »11 persons lndebted to the said dece*sed are reqnest to make immediate payment at the Olliee of S. K. K\-ne, Corncr of King and Bethel Streets, U p-siair». S. K. KANE. Temporarj- Administrator of thc Estate of Josebh Heano Pele, (k) deeeascd. Uonolnlu, Aagust 16, 1894. ang I6-Uw WANTED. Tbreo bright Hawaiian Girls to sell tbe famons VIAVI REMEDT. App!y at tbe office of tbe Viavi Itemedy on Kieg Street. augC F0R SALE «- RENT. 1 Piano, 1 Organ and Sewing Maehine inquire of sr. f. anem Beretania Street. ADMiNISTRATION S N0TICE. TUE UNDERBIGNED haviog been dulv appointed Admiuistratrix of thc estate of Ū, K. Kiimi'e (k), late of Ualanla. Kohala, Island of Hawaii. decc*sed. Noliee b hereby given to all creditors of the deceased to p-ēaeni their elaima whether »ecured by Mortg*ge or otherwia« dnly «uthenJicated and with the proper voucher*. I if anv exUU to the nndcrsigned wUhin »ix j months from the date hereof or thcy will be forever b*rrecL aud all persous ir.debted to tb« s*id dece*sed are requeat to make immodiate payment at the OfB,e of S, K. 1 K\-*k. Coner of King and Bethel 8treets. j Upat*ira. MRb. NAOMI KAAIHUE, AdminUtr*trix of the Esutc of H K. K.wihi'k. dcce*sed. ilonolulu, Auga» H 1808. 3w. CRITERION 3AL00N,' Weiland • Extra • Pak ;XjagEr Heep 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. jyl4 L. H. DEE, Prop’r RING UP MUTl?AL TELE. W2. NiEPER S Baggage Expresa. O£fioe, 239 Fort 8t„ Honoiala, 1L I. i Baggjge and Furn:tare C*refully I Uand!ed and Deltvered at Short I NoUee to All Parts of Ihe City. | Stand on Cor. ofFort Jt Qceen St«. ii» S „ C1TY DRAYAGE C0, Stand: Que«a and F»rt StreeU. While »nd Black Sand. 1 Dray ing Done at Keaaonahle Rate& W. F. 8BAJUUSTT, X*9*«a.