Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 192, 18 August 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]
They won't rpgister oo Mani. 11 M irshal H)tcLcock is in tuwn . again. 1 CV>nsnI H Focke is stiying at ( Soaci. ( flic bark Vclocity, 89 days j from Hoogkong is otf port. Mr. Panl Neamann .ind farmily j are living at Sans Sonci- ( Mr. Abrabatn Femandez re- j turned to town vestenlav frora , * I * MoIoKai. A car«l of tbanks from J. K. j Merscberg appears in another i eolumn. Mrs Frank Hastings and Mrs Dr. Herbert are rnsticating at Saus Souci. * i Tbe Maunerchor Society moet * this eveniug in tho parlors of the * Pacfiic H( tel. 1 | J The concert at the Hotol last ■ evening was well patrouized bv ' tho pnhlie. « The dog poisoning case will be 4 heard by Judge Hobertson on 1 Tuesday noxt. ' - I < A large number of copiesof the 1 Pamdim of ihe Paeipe were mail- ' ed for f reign parts today. ! i The Circuit Conrt is not in j i sossion this ufternoon. Work bogius again next Mouday. Do not forget Greek George, l the modorn Hercules at tho 1 Opera Hoase tbis evening. ., i' Mr. E. C. Macfarla1ie left on \ the Australia for tbe Coast. He j will roturn ou tho sarae steamer. ; The Steamer Australia sailed 1 for San Francisco at noon today laden witb passengers and cargo. I«esidents on Nuuanu avenue j arc now complaining very mueh nbout the laek of ,water supply. Arthur Fitzgerald has been arrested by detective Larsen as an accessory in the Pali bighway robbery. 'Although. there were several ' showors of ruin last eveniug; the Nuuuuu stream still reraains a brooklet. Sans Soaci has heen leased to Mr. Chapman the well-known caterer who condnots the favorite seasido resort in a first class mannei. Messrs. Geo. Boardman and Thos. Evans aro eaeh ageuts for loeal Japaucse firms for tho introdaction of more Asiatios into the countrv. We will all be tbere. Where ? Why, at the Scbeutzen Club Mus<]uerade Bull Monday, September 3, 1894. Everybody is going. Are yon ? • Deputy Marshal Browu and officers did good work on Molokai, recently. A Iarge number of post-Loles were dug for a fence roand the Brown premises. i $'21,997,23 was the cost of tbe military service for tho three j mouths ending Jaue 30th. Add ; to this $2,487 for “deteot;ve” service and a total of $24.484.23 is the expense of the military-spy aide of the proseut oligarohy for one quarter. Mr. 11. Bertelmann a nephew of Colonel Henry Bertelmann arrived yesterdar on the W G. i Hall witb bis biide nee Martin. ! The yoang eoaple will leave for I Kunai oext week. , One of tbe Baldwins is montioned as the ehoiee fer Cirooit Judge on MatfT Tho to-be jodge is aboot 20 years old, but be belongs to ihe ‘family.” — i Mrs. Tbirds leoture last even- ■ ing on Theoeophy and Chri»tianity was poor!y attended, many of the looal, woold-be iheoeopbists beiog very prominent by their abeence>