Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 192, 18 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Company, M. REIS I J.C. aUINN F0S 8ALE. A FTX> '• MIDNIGHT " 9TALU0N cult bcIoBfiiti to P. D. I*ahiis The oolt eanU tb* PaVTHEOS 8TABLE ft»a to-nvomiw. tfJJHCK iX»R>ER OF Nuu-imi aml Bervtania ’Hil ,—Both 501 GOOD. KELIAELK a.\d jy2T tf Cim DRIVERS. Capt. Wm. Davies, Kige:er, Steveclore and i Wneekei 1 . ESTIMATES AND CONTRACTS ON ALL KINDS 0F WOKK. Suamer WaioMoalo will run regular to Waianae, Waialua aml Way Landing. Inaaūe at offioe ot J. S. Walkkk ov,r Si>rsckd's Rsnk. i uh u-tf. Gust. A. Mauer, HA WAI1AX HOTEL EAlUlKīi l Ladies Shampooinj a *jnrialty. Honolulu. au;»4. I Chas. T. Gulick NOTARY PUBLIC For the lalaml of Oahn, Agent to Take Acknowle<JgmoQta to Labor Contract.s. , Agent to Orant Marriage Lieenses, Honoluln, Ouhu. Ageut for tho Haw’n Isiands of Pnr k Scott’s Freight and Parcols £xpross. Agent for tbe Barlington Kouto Real Eslate Brcl[er aii&eienl Ar p -iil 1 ; Bell Tel. 3-18; Mnt. Tel. 139; P. O. Box 415. 0FF1CE; No. 38 MERGHANT Street Honolulu H I. Ip Woi>ld Do N|0VE ANU 30 DOE« l'he - JvIe3seng2P - Ser/ice who have rnounle<l their Me»senger3 on Oolnmhia - Bicyolen They will deliver Package3 (up to 50 lba. weight) and Messagea quicker than by any other method &cd cheaper too. ** DonT be a Clam.” 3ave tima and money by using the Mess«nger Service. L. M. JOHXSON. Manag:*r Mulual -599 Tel: Bell 559 jyō 3m CITY CARRIAGE C0. Corner KINO »nd BETHEL St. CAjmiA.GKEs, AT ALL HOURS. Both TeJephones Xo, 113. J. 9. ANDRADE, Manager. june 15-tf. ī«ong Branch -8ATHWGEstablishment. This Firet-Cla83 Batbing Resort haa been enlarged and ia now open to Ihe puhlie, It ia the beat plaee oa tbe ielands to eojoy a Batb. and tbere ia no better piaee to Iay off. Special accommodationa for Lad;es. Tramcara pa»s tbe door every hall hour, and on Saturdays and Susdays everv fiiteen miuueee. C. J. jy24 Proprietor.