Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 192, 18 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Ciub Stables Company, F. Manager Livery and Feed Stables. FOKT STREET, betwwn f!otel an«l I5erctauia Streeta, Ilonolulu. Ilolh Te!ej*houes 477 jj23 Im PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory. It ili KRY an«l lee Cream ParIors! *5S& <5? HORN m ies3 II/ 1894 ō 1-&- PKACTICAICOX KECTK ) N T E Vl Axn ORNAMENTER īn aīl hranchf3 o/ lhf hutinf»t on lhf*f iilaiKĪ*. Amorican. Eairli«h. Oomian ami Frcnch PASTRIF.S Madc to Order BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES Made of the Verr B* st MatcrUl and at K( a«onable Rates. Family Graham & Fancy Bread Ahray» on Unwl. ALL < 0\H;t TI0\i:KY Munufactured at Mv E«tah!btiment Aro Ciuarantoed to bc Po>iUrcly Purc and SoId at Price* no otber establi«hment ean eompele with. FACTORY AND STORE, No. TI Hotel Street. llouolulu. Both TeIephone» No. 74. PANĪHEON SALOON, FORT AND 1I0TEL STS. HeadQaarters EDterprlse Brefing Co. THC Largest Consignment of Beer that ever arnved here, no7r on Draught jjrl4 J. DODD, Prop’r

NOTICE T0 Visitors. Pienie Parties, Lnaas — ASl> — GENERAL PUBLICl At 3fS asd Liveby Stabl.e, Kt.vq • [Adjoining MetropoliUn Mul Mukel.) I* tb« Cbeapest Plaee in Town yon eaa get B «»«, W a gon«j<*, Baggie» aod SaddVe Hones. It viQ p*y roa to f»H and se« belbre jon trr ebtevhere. Maiaa} TeIephone 408 »ngl-tf Plonecr Shlrt Factory £STABUSIIED l-m, A. M. MELLIS, Propriet*>r, $IS Kort Sc, (Upeuin; Honolnia, Good FU. . . J. H. TRUSCHLER, Boot & Shoemaker. lll Fort Street. Repairing, neatly Done, half sole an i heel with pegs, il 00. Half aole »n<J beel aewing, tj 50. «u7