Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 192, 18 ʻAukake 1894 — Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y. [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Hawaiian Hardware Comp'y.

J uly 24 I In ‘ Puddenhead Wilson’s Philosophy" 5Iark Twain says: ‘ Pat all of your eggs in one basket — and watch tbat basset."' Eggs are not the oniy tbings to whieh this applies, we ean make it fit stoves and cbange eggs into do’lars and make it read— Invest your eoin in a Pansy Stove—and the stove will watcb itself. We have been watcbiog tbese stoves for the p.»st five years, an«l find tbem the best iron stove sold in this market for tbe money, Where else than at our store ean yon get a stove that will do oven*thing that a $50 stove will doand g>*t it for $15? Eeho auswers, the plaee isn’t bnilt.’ We havo sold hnndreds of the.se stoves in Honolulu, and never had a eomplaint. Two weeks ago, we sold one to a gentleman ou Hawaii, and yesterday he onlered another for a (neniL The stove sells itself throngh iis fuel saving qnalities. aud becau.se, it is a good baker. You eau got other stvles of stoves if vou are uot particular as to tho quantity of fuel you burn or how your food is cooked. There’s no clyspepsia in mea!s prepared on a PANSY. i We received last week a lot of wiro clothes-lines tfaat hoUl washed clotbes without nsing 1 pins. It is a sort of double wire avrangemeut and the pieces aro heUl iu between;the harder the wiud blows the tighter the pieces ai*e held to the line. Thero is absolutely no danger of the clothing being toru as there is nothing sharp about the liue. While tho cost is a trifle groater than rope, this new slylo will i last so mueh longer that it is eeonomieal to bny the pinless ■ line. I The CLAUSS is one of the uew fangled saw-edge knivesthat cufcs warm bread without leaving 1 ; it heavy and iced eake without j making crumbs There are two or three d tferent imkes of these ; 1 knives, all on the same principle j ; aml eaeh one prononnced the 1 best on earth by the mauufac- j turers. We selected tbe Clauss, | whieh we believe as a disinterest- i ed spectator to be better than its ' neighbors. You never had uny- i , thing in yonr life that give as : . mueh satisfaction for a doliar. If you were bu) ing the other sort ! you would get only one. i The favorita sewing maehine in any community is the one that does the most for the least money I and whieh runs tho eaaiest. In the “Wertheim” you have a | maehiae that sews tbree distiuct stitcbes—The Loek, Chain and Embroiderv aud rnns easier than any other maehine, and you pay > 1 twonty dollars less for it. Eeon- \ : omy stands boldly every side when you buy a Wertheim. In | tucking the ehain stitcb is prc- | ferable, but in other kin«ls of work. the loek stitcb is the besfc I ! If you bay a maehine that sews the loek, uuless ii is a Wertheim, j it won’t sew a ehain stitcb. There’s no particular saving io buying a maehine with but one i stitcb, the Wertheira Joes tbree ' I and saves you Iots of tronble and work. 5

We've jost unpacked six cas'ss of stand lamps tbat were bnilt for hard times. They bare metal; bases and are decorated so as to make a very neat appearance in a room. We don’t tbink you ean got as good a lamp any vhere else | for the money. try as hard as yon please. Onr stock of table cut!ery, spoons and forks is as Urge as you will find in any store in San ; Francisco, and our prices compare favorably vith thoee in 1 York. Tte Binni Hninii Ca« 907 Fort SfarMt