Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 192, 18 ʻAukake 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Lojidcnr, Aug. 1. —Tfie Spauish GovGrnmeut, ou uccouut of mis- ; givings regartling the possible : resalts to the Philippine islauils iu the evant of Japan becoraing i the dorainant po\ver iu fhe East, | purcbased three cruisers frora ; Eng’ish firras. Yanktoa (S.D.), Juiy 30 —The therraoraeter registered lOō hero today. 8ydney, July 30.—The Ministry presided over by Sir Geo. Dibbs, j has resigued. Mr. Kied, ieader I of the opposition, has consented to form a new Miuistry. Vieuna, Ju’y 29.—Arcbduke William 111, son of the late Archduke Charles, and a second , cousin of Emperor Francis Josepb, met an accident today that ! resulted iu his death. . Washington, July 29.—Secretary Herbert, through a letter to Senator Squire. has snbmitted to ! the conferees on the river and harbor bill the report of the board of naval engineers, recom- i mending for the benefit of tbe Nary in Pacific waters the eonstruction of a wjiterway eooueei | ing Puget sound with Lakes Uuion and Washington, whieh ■ was provided for in thp bill as it ; passed tbe 8enate Tbis board has been examining tbo dry dock in coarse of constrnction at tbe Port Orchard naval station, and has visiteJ the proposed water\ray. The report S|»eaks of the great adrantage whieh access to | Lake Washington would be to the Navy ; as well &s to commerce :, at large, and aiso emphasizes tbe feasibdity of the project. I I The coramittee of the Knights I of Pyth»as whieh has in cbarge j 1 the rtviaion of ihe constitation of | that order has coa»pteted iU ses- ! s sions at Milwaekee. The report j will recommend sweeping cbanges 1 and a comp!ete revision of tfae i eonstitution of the order. The j 1 UUes of tbe of&cers *īll be | shaoged and tbey vi!l simply be ■ ieeigaated aa a pre-iident, vice- i pr6aident,seeretaiy and treaanrer. »