Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 192, 18 August 1894 — The Question of Corea. [ARTICLE]

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The Question of Corea.

A saggestion that tfcc Coite»l \ Statō« mighi interv2ne in the j Cortan 4ifficnlly h*? excīt .1 1 mueh interest in Locdon. bot Britisb officisls fcoUl tbe opinion th»t *ny action in W «shĪQ{;ton is 1 j tcore likely to be individna! tlmn * national. A diiip;*tcb frou> (Sbanghai says, tbat Ameiieau residents there snggebt the suz- ) erainty o( the United Corea as the readiest solotion of ; the probletn, bot the Enropean residenu do not regurd tbe saggestion as serioas. If the Cnited States is going into the soz?rain basincss we do not waut aay retail or job-!ot proposition to deal wieh. Wo shall expect to be appointed a sort of aniversal receiver for the : whole cirilized world anil a large portion of the semi-civilized and to have our «lecrees enforced by the naval and military forces of all tbe great powers. It wassaid some years ago that the balance of power in, Earope meant only | this. that when one great natiou stole something the rest eonsented on condiiion that they in tarn should be ut liberly to help themselves to what tbey might faacy. lt this enlenīe eonliale has beeu broken and the United States is Iooked to as a universal peacemaker it must be upou terms and conditions pf onr own 1 making aud onr expense aeeounl raost not be criticized too close!y. Seriously. however, it is not ( possible to discover, tbat»we have any more direct mterest i i Corea tban in .dat ibeloland or Madagascur. We shall, nndeubtediy, protect our coraTiercial interests aud look oat fur the lives aud property of our citizons, but so far as sozerainity is concerued in Corea, we might as well think of suzeraiuity ovor Uganda or leolaud or Tierra del Fuego. This conntry will do v. e!l to mind its ' own busincss and to avoid entaugliug allianies as long as possib!e. If we waut to take up au agressive foreigu policy it ! would be mueh better to begin 1 with Nicaragua and the Mosquito 1 coast than to go so far afield as ; the little couotry called Corea. ' — S. F. .Chronicle. -