Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 192, 18 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]

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Rome, Joly 30. —The Pope is about to oonvoke au assembly of cardinals and £asters patriarchs | for tbe purpose of discossing the : question of tbe reunion of tbe ■ Westeru aod £astern oharcbes. New Tork, July 30.—Tbe he*t, tbat bas been more intensa the | iast Iwo days thau for a nnnber of years, abated today. One deatL 1 from beat today has been reported ia New York and two in Brooklyu, Los Angelea, J nly 29.—A serere ■ eartbqnake, tbe vibrations of | whieh vere from north to soutb *nd whieh ia*ted aboat foriy seeonds, was felt hero tonight ai 9A5.