Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 191, 17 August 1894 — AT LAST. [ARTICLE]

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Mr.Dole’s Eepuhlie is Eecognised A j.roud sm>Ie. nearlv a vard long iilDOiinated tL • f:ice of Minister Hatch wben he yesterday, rose fr m hiā seat and read tothe aāsembled eoUneillonā a tooching set of reāolntioDā passed in April last by the Senate of lowa, U. S. Tbe joint r§solntions whieh hare been approred by Governor Jackson—whoever he may be—read a» foIIows and werereceived by u; roarions applauso of the small prophets assembled. Aud Mosēs struck the rock and the folIowing reāolntious fiowed: State of Iowa, i Execctive Depaktmext. f JOIXT I;ESOLCTIOX. WLereus, The people of the Uawaiian Islands have cast off the fetters of an etiete and dissolnte monarchy anJ have assnmed a position among the repab!icsof the earth; Tiierefore, Resolved by the General Assembly of the State of lowa: That we, tbe represeatativ6ā of two milliona of prosperoas, hap py, liberty-loving peopie, who have adopted «s a State motto : ‘‘Oar liberties we prize aiul our rights we will maintain,” hail the uew Republic of Hawaii aud seiul a mes-!3ge of greeting, aJmiration auJ cbeer to onrbretbien aross tbe sea. Resolved, That we comiucnd the courage, determiuatiou aud constancy of tbe founders of tbe new Republic and bespeak a glorious futore for tbeir Stato. Resolved, That tbese resolutions be referred to His Excel- 1 lency tbe Goveruor, witb the reqaest that His Exeellency the Governor transruit the snme with ' appropriate tnessage to His Excellencv the President of the Hawaiiau Republic. I hereby certify this resolution originateJ in the Senate anJ is known as Joint Resolution No. 9. (SigneJ), E. R. Hctchixs. Secretary of the S *nato. Hf.xhv Sto\e, S{ieaker of the Honse. W. S. Dcxoax, PresiJent of the Seuate. Approved, April 'i4tb, 1894. [seal ] Fraxk D Jacksox, Governor of lowa. Of course nobody eau take any exception ta this reuiarkable documeut. It has evidently pleaseJ the wise man of lowa, who by the way neitber kuow where Hawaii is or what kiuJ of goverument we have, aud it has , beeu a sonrce of great satisfaction to Dole & Co., who alas, have not been recognizeJ by anybody else. We aro sarprised that little Hutch didn’t niovo the hunds of time a little ahead, and Jatod the resolutious July *24th instead of April *24th. Tiie wise uieu uf lowa wooldn’t have appeared quite as foolish as tbey now Jo. anJ tbe whole affair woulJn’t bave beon quite so absurJ, ridiculous anJ impudent as it uow is. Ou tbe 24tb of April, tbere was no republic in Hawaii. Tbere is none now, we are awaro bul we bave at present at least an apology for one. In April, we simply bad a provisional governmeut witbout »ny semblance or pretense of being a republic. If the interesting farmers or whatever they may be, from the Senate in lowa admire a military olignrchy, they are at liberty to do so, but they should eome out and s:»y so, and not prate in tbe usual spread-eagle fashion abont ”libert\*,” , *glory’’ and “republics.” If anybody in lowa sbould propo.se a constitutiun similar to the one d% whieh tbe alleged republic of Hawaii is based tbere would be a ten ific kiek. If that ehap JacLson sbou!d propose to make himsel Goveruor of Iow«, without a popular eleeiiou say for six years the wise men of that State wouk bave sometuing else to do tban seading congratul«tions to a ‘ siāter-republic” whieh Joes not exist and about whieh they only entertain Uie vaguest iJeas. That the l nited States of America have not reoognizeJ the repub!ie of Hawaii doesn’t worry Goveruor Jacksoo »od his Senate. lo wa is ready to extend » haud of frienJship, »nd whea the two milIions Iowites who do not know where Hawaii I» have recognizad oa why should we bother ab. ut recognition from Httle CievelaaJ aod the other 68 milliou» of Ameneaa». la the meanlime Moses «Ul āgaia »trike tbe rock aad

' raore rfaetorie. more j eaglcism and more boacombe , . will flow. This tirue. be ; { the g <ds, it will fiow iuto lowa md not oot of tu.it p;cd>aoe j SUte. And we h ipo th »t H:s Excelieacy the Cr>vernor of lowa ! will remeaaber ncxt tirae thit , His Exeellency Ihe Pr«*s;J *ut of ; Uawaii is not an Exeelleucy. . | LitUe Hatcb cot otf his faaudie.