Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 191, 17 August 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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SOHSAI.fl AHwn K«pt 0« H*»i % Of Ik V«TT |BestPioflfer8o i la Cv*cs ot*k. 4i j0, «») »ad Bai THIS SOAP 18 THE I n&Mt ImporUd E 8PEClAL PRICES FOR 5 C.W IX LOTS m AINSLĒV i 00! Ceiebrated Brands o SCOTCH WH1SI |BEX ALDOCHLAN, Ainsley's OLD BIended GIenl GLE ,NION Extra, S| 6LENLI0N SPECIAL L10UELR SCOTCH WH1SK jrJ3 GEKTZ, m BOOT axd 8H0EMAK] Rep*iring Xeatly Douo. OppoaUe the Clnb St»bk<>, Fort Stre will be glatl to see lti$ old frieml$. i WA NTED! UtRNlTl'RE, DIHI!ES, ULARRV U Clocks, WaLehea, Jewclry, OId (io Silvcr, and «Tcrytbing bou«;bt »ud «*ld King 8treet. corner ol' Alakea. P. O. Box •,Vj. 405 Xuuaui S. YASUM0RI, MEKCHANT TAIL0 Dealer in Japanese OooHa, I anel Shoes of Japanese n Oheap for Cash, New Goot Every Steamer. jy LEE SUNG KEl 49 KIXQ 8TREET, ĪIXSMITH, a.vd DEALER IX Q ware, Crockery, Coffl-Oil Stovert. Pot»—Plnmbing in AU Ita Branches fully £xecnted. jy] Y. LUM SING, Dealer in Frnits and Groc Fresh Fruita by Every Calil Steamer, Eresh Iiiland I from Hawaii. 13-5 Fort S Coffee Roasted. P O. Boi Fresh Island Produce, C Delivered to Any. Part o City, j : 8ISCj VUE5f 9£EE TD*SM1TH and DEALER IINWAKE. Piping Laid and Repaired. Ordtrs PromptIy Attende Charges Very Moderate. CSee Ūe. No. 222 llonolulu. iv20 ‘‘ ITOHA> ,” IMPOBTEB avd DEALER IX Q£] MeTch*ndiae, £xciuireiy o t J * ” wnor.E8.VLE kKJ