Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 191, 17 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Dr. J. T. Hatzopulos w? F > i'ot’essiona 11 v 3vno\vu as 6REEK 6EOH6E. Will give a Wonderful Exhibition of STRENGTH e«jual and 3urpns3ing the ftats of Sandow, at Hawaiian Opera House, —ON SATURDAY, - August 18 RESERVED SFATS AT LEVEY’S. aul3 PUEIFIED WAĪEE. No Miorobes. IS L'SED BV THE COXS>UD.\rED SODA WATER WORKS COM P ANY—Limited. 'Tiie37- rumisli tje.e Pountains Tiiio\a.g']b.ouLt" tla.e Cit^\ EXCEPT1N0 ONE IP-eLie a,s Cr37-stal-T^TZ m IT. aug7 HOLLISTER & CO. Importers, Wholes ile and Ret.iil Doalers in Pine Cigar3, Sm.o3rixxg: To'oaoco, am. SrjQ.olrexs -^xtioles. Agents for ihe Celebrated g. n. D. PIPE8, M ADE IN PAKP. »®S« Benson, Smith & Co., The Corner irr DRUG ST0RE Pare Dru^s, Fine Perfumes,. Prompt A.ttention, &'£&' Low Prices Corner Fort & Hotel Sts. aul RE(flOVAL H0TICE. VT*, WIU on AUGUST lst Bemove from bīa preeent «tore on Botel etreet, to the pl»c« former!y oocopied bj Bensoo, Smith * Co., oa Fon stnet. After I gs t settled it will be lo your «dr*nt•8» to nole tbe pricee, ttc., that will appeer in tbia eolumo.