Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 191, 17 ʻAukake 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]
lUn REBD1E8. W11> L rru • KlbranMU»a. < «iAirk,> rr«jK.•!! «»!b4*»b. F Ci.t3st»- «»i «>* in ti< »«W'S «ora» ilttt it will m ♦at*rt»us*rd Uow»T. T1wt iw Te«rUWf ~ bj ih* SMt ōeiinue Ct vitbia lbe wiHi o< •!!. 1»5 1 r.t.6«lU«>Ji f H Klf« g:oft. -Ti<k*r H«r3MST fft< . ft«ooi*nL O f«rt W»T Removal! Hlistace & Cfo. H.WE MOVED TO Morgan’s - Auctlon - Rooms for « »bort time. We »r«till *eUin? Departure Bay COAL CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KlNDLING WOOD in any qu»ntity Both Teiei>hones 4U LO\/e:Joy &co Wiqe Liquor Oeale^ 19 Nuuanu Street We would eall your attention to Our Special Brands Longlife <$ Pure Cream RYE WHISKEY. Fredericksburg Beer au2 in casks or bottles Empire Saloon, JAMES OLD3, Propeictor: pine Wiqes, Liquors. 33eer ALWA5 ON HAND, Comer Nuuanu and Hotel Strt«ts. : Bell Telephone 241. Post OfBce Box 107 T. B. s Murray I.« Yet to toe Fonud i Oa the 01d Stand, So. 44 Hiug St.—IIis HmineM aa CARRIAGE AND AG0N MA Goes On. When the “PEOPLE8’ PARTY” gets smashcd he will be ready to REPAIR, PAIHT AND TR1IIT At a Reasonable Figare. — Ko Extra Charge for Farnishing them with Common Sense. LET THEM RIKG UP ‘ MUTUAL TELEPHONE 572. jy216« & MACH!NE MADE f FACTORY, KALIHI. Taro P!anta, Fresh Top« and R*w T«ro at all times. Ring Up Muiua! Te)ephone 577. Bell 345. W. U WILCOX, jy25 Manager. Femandes & Gomes -WUOLE8AUECaiifornia Winea and 8pirite, No. 502 Foit 8t.. Hooolaia, H. £ P. O. Box 438, Moluai Tele. 140,