Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 191, 17 August 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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ADnmsmAiros’Sx »otice. TRE UND£BSIGN£D harlug bccn cluly *ppointed Temponiry Adm!nistrator of the tstate of Joseph Hk.vj*o Pele, (k) late of Pauoa, Honoluiu, Oahu. deceased. Noliee is hercby given to all creditors of the dcoeascd to present their claims whether seeured by Morteage, or oUiorwise, duly authendicatcd andwith the propcr vonchers. if any esist to the undersigncd within six months frcm the datc bereof or they will be forever barred; and all persons indcbtcd to the said deoeased are rcqucst to make immediate {iayment at the Office of 8. K. Ka-ne, Cor'uer of King and Bcthel 8trcets, U p-stairs. 8. K. KANE, Temporary Administrator of the Estate of Josebh Heuno Pole, (k) deecased. Honolulu, August 16, 181M. aug IC-Jw WANTED. Tbree krigbt Hawaiian Girls to sell tbe famous VIAVI HEMEDY. Apply at the office of tho Via?i Remedy on King Street. aug6 F0R SALE - RENT. 1 Piano, 1 Organ and Sewing Maehine inquire of ». P. BVBGESS. Beretania Street. ADMINISTRAT10N'S N0TICE. THE UNDEUSIGXED hariug been dulv appointed Administratrix of tbe estate of H'. K. K oaihi e (k), late of Halanla, Kohala. Island of Uawmii, Jeccased. Nollee U bereby gfveu to all credUors of the deceased to p-es<nt their claims wbetber secured hy Mortgage or otberwise dnly »uthendica;ed and wiih the proper voucher*’, lf any exist, to the ander»igncd wllhin six months from the date hrreof or ther wili be forerer barrei and aQ perao«s indebted to the said dect«sed are reqne»t to make immcdiate payment at the Office of 8. K. Ka-se. Oorner of Klng snd Betbel Street*. l>talra. MRS. NAOMl KAAIHUE, Administratrix uf ihe £statc of U. K. K.aiui k. dccea*ed. Honololn, Aogus 14 1886. Sw. CRITERION SAL00N, W«iland • Extra • Pak Lager Heep ♦ 2 Schooners for 25 Cts. jrl4 L. H. DEE, Prop’r RING UP MUTUAL T£L£. SI2. NIEPER'S Baggage Express, Offioe, 2» Port St,. Hoaololw. H. I. Baggsge and Furniture Carefally Uaodled and Delivered at Sbort Noliee to AU Part> of the City. Stand oo Cor. of Fort k Qoeen Sta. C1TY DRAYAOB 00, Stand: Qaeen and Fort Streeta. Wbite and BUek SandL w H» ■ iM'!