Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 191, 17 August 1894 — HAWAII’S “BLUE” LAWS [ARTICLE]
C0XSTITUTI0N and LAWS Framed bv the MLssionaries. LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. If any foreign vessel arrive at any Hawaiian port or har bor, the crew of whieh have mntinie<I. or have committo<.l any mis<.lemeanor, by whieh the captain of the saūl vesseU is bronght into straitened circumsUnces, it shall then be the dnty of the Governor, or harbor Masters anei other officers to aiel the Captain of the vessel; and if ho wish the enminal part of his crew put in confinement on shore, they shall be merely confined. No other punishment excopt confinoment ehall be inflicted. Thoogh if they break tho Hawaiian laws thon they shall be punished according to law. If any master of a vessel wish to discharge one of his men on shoro in accordance with laws of his own conntry, aud the consul of that nation consent to take him undor his care and return him to bis own land. such a procednre shall be proper. Captains of vessels and Consuls shall not bo hindered in doing so,though tho Governor must bo informed thereof. No captaiu of a foreign vessel shall receive on board his vessel any native, to proceed to sea nor shall auy native go on board any foreign vessol, unless he cbtain the written consent of the Governor or his agent, nor shall he continno a man on board for a longer periotl than said certificato allows. Whoever violates this law or evades it shall bo fined four hundred dollars. If any mnster with a foreign vessel wish a nativo to sail on board his vessel, it shall bc the duty of that mastor to go to the barbor master with tho man he desires. or if ho cannot obtaiu them, theu the harbor master will soarch for thom, Bnt the men shall not sail till thoy receive tho as seut of the Governor. When that is obtained thon tho Captain shall fill out the blauk in the fol!owing bond and sign it, after whieh he may rceoivo tlio raan on board. The Bond is as fol!ows: I Master of the ship of hcroby declaro that having agroed with a native of the Sandwich Islands to servo on boaid the ship under my command, I hereby pledge royself and said vessel iu tho sum of two hundred dollars to return said native to the Sandwich Islands within two years from date, provided ho then be alive, and I will pay Lim wages according to agreement on tbe shipping articles. When the above writing is properly comploted and delivered into the hand of the harbor Master, then the man may go. lf any master of a vessel tako a man in vio!ation of this section of this law ho sball be fined fonr hundreil dollars. If a native desesrt from the vessel on hoanl nhiek he ped, for whieh reason the eapiain of tho vesscl Ls nnablo to return him according to tbe above bond, then it shall be the duty of ihe eapiain. previons to the expiration of the time mentioned in the bond, to make known the reasou of his not returning said mau, and having been established by good evidence tbat tbere was no fanlt of the captain's tben the judges shall clear him from the payment of the bond. Jf any seaman of a foreign vessel rnn in dobt on sbore and do not pay it, that debt sball not be dcmanded of tbo captain unless he bad given bis consent prcvious to the eontraction of the debt, nor sbali any seaman be put io eonSneroent for debt, unless it bc contracted in a wrongfaI manner in whieh case be may be confined. If the debtor faave property on board tho sbip, the debt sbali be paid from tbat. Tbis section does not forbid the confiuement of those who have committed a enminal oflense. lf a foreigner from a foreign vcssel eommii a criminal oiTense on sbore, and the eiiminal eaeape on board tho vessel, and tbe poliee officers go for tbe enmioal, and be is retained by tbe eapiain of tbe vessel and not delivered op, thōn tbe eapiain, and tbe ship ahall be held accountablo for the crime If any vessel secretly tako away a prisoner, the fine ahaii be fonr handred dollars and the prisoner sball be retnrned. If he be not retnrned. then the captain o! the Tessel shall also be held aceonntab!e for the crime of the prisoner aud »hall pay whatever ihe law requires, [of the criminal.] If tho Governor perceive that the laws are disregarded by any veasel he shall have thc power to detaio the vessel, or the eapiain of the vessel, or the property of tbe vessel as he ahall jadge proper in order to «nforce the laws. It sball be lawfnl for the harbor masiers of the various harbors to eall for the papers of the vessels whieh anchor at these lslands. If they are called for and not presented, Ihen the vessel ahall not trade at all at these lslands, and no privilege ahall be granted her here, and tbe Governor hia jndgement in the case. But if the papers are presented, the harbor master shall by no means tako tLe the papeea away from the ahip. (To Be Co*iiniucLj