Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 191, 17 August 1894 — A LOYAL MULE. [ARTICLE]
It is p)easing to reconl some | exbīb:tion of loyalty towards tūe migbty self-elected presideut of tbe alleged repnblic of Hawaii | X<me of bis two-legge«l “snbjecls” seera to be willing to bonor aod cherisb him—except tbey ilraw a governraent salarv, and \ tbe angratefu! Hawaiians who do : not seem to appreciate tbe patriotism and anselfishoess of “their” $1000a-month-president | are sharply rebuked by a loyal mule palling one of Smith's bassfcs, whieh goes down on its 11 knees every tim-5 tbat it pAsses the presideutial manaion ou ( (Whoa!) Emma street.