Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 191, 17 August 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

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Club Stables Company, Mana Livery and Fe Stables. FORT STKEET, between tel an<l Beretania Stree ! Honoluln. ’ Bnth Telephones ttF" jj23 lm PIONEEU Steam CANDY Factor K.i I* KKV an<l lee Cream Pai'loi HORN m m 1863 1894 PRACTICAL CONFECTlGNJ and ORNAMENTER In aīl hratiche* of ihe hueine»* lhe»e ielaniie, K Amoritan, Kni;ii~b, (iennan anj Frencl PASTKIES Mad - to O BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING C Made ol the Verj Ro9t Materiat at at Keaao'oaUle Katea, Family Graham & Fancy B Alwayt ou IīauJ. al>Vj (oxfeitio.\i: Munnfactured at Mv EalaUIUhmei Arc 6oaranteed to be PosUiroJj Pu Sold at Prices no otber ealalilUhn ean eompele vtlth. gtT FACTORY AND ST( No. 71 Hotel Strcet, Honolulu, Bolh īelephonea No. 74. PANĪHEON SAL0 FORT AND IIOĪEL STS. Headanarters EDterprise Brewii 1HE Largest Consignment of that ever arrived here, n on Draught J. DODD, p NOTICB TO Vislters, Pienie Parties. Id —A\D—OENEHAL PUBLJ Ar Smith’s Brs axd Lp Stable, Kino Stkeet. [Adjoiniag Metr.p<jliun Me«t M ■■ la the Cbe*pest Plaoe in Town roa Bngg>es a*nd Hoiw*, |t wiD p mj jon to eall a belore yon trr eisevbere. Mutaal Te!eubone 408