Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 191, 17 August 1894 — Church and Navy. [ARTICLE]
Church and Navy.
Tallejo. July 31.—Tbe cruiser Charleston’ now Iying at Mare lsiam]. is remarkal)le iu one particular. Shr cnrries one of tl»e on!y two CKthoIic ch.iplains now in the uaw. Father Charles H. Parts, now on the receiving ship Vermout, at New York, was appointeJ fron> that city by Presideut CleveluuJ on April ‘2ō, 1888. Father William H. I. lleanoy of the Chailestou was natned by eipresident Harrison hom 13altimoro ou March 11, 1892. Ho is a secular priest, a highiy educat- , eJ anJ po!isheJ gentleman, anJ a popnlar oflioer in his ship. Futher Reauey toJay expresseJ himsolf as ploaseJ with tho ser- . vice, althongh sometimes he is ' placeJ in a peculiar situation by , the rnles of the Kavy anJ those of the ehuieh. Ou boarJ ships of tho regnlar Navy every one who is able m«st be present at night pruyers, whieh are hehl about 5 p.m., anJ at the SunJay moruing service. In the case of Protestant chaplaius the latter form raay varv, accorJing to the sect of tbe minister officiating. Of course the Cathi lie ehaplain mnst say massauJ Father Keanoy says this chanting of his ancieut form of Jevotion on board ship has been a source cf cons!Jerable iuterest to tho crew, many of whom haJ never had any aeqnaintance with the Catholic ritual. However. raany of that faith are to be fonnd in the Navy, and these have instructed their shipmates so woll that there is hardly a Protestaut ou board but he is thoroughly posted on the order aud ceremouial of the mass. Owing to the fact that so few priests have been appoiuted in the UuiteJ States sorvice the church has uever prepared a ritual suitable for their use when culled upon to raarry or bury non-Catholics. Ou shipbourJ the ehaplain must perfcrra all such ceiemouies. As there have been no forms laid Jown by the Navy Department eaeh ehaplain read those prescribed by his ow n sect. These in the case of protestant chup!ains have causeJ no embarrassmeut, as the wonling was applieahle to any one. But Father Reaney has not haJ such smootb sailing as his ritual was suitable only for Catholics, eonsequently he has had sometimes to make up appropriate prayers, etc., when cailed ujxm to act professioually. Rēceutly he had instructions whieh make his way clcarer, and bereafter in such contingdDcies he will act in civil capacity, or. as the oaptain Joes wheu a bcdy is to be committeJ to the Jeep and no ehaplain is at hand.