Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 190, 16 August 1894 — Untitled [ARTICLE]
Herr Zeitang bas been stopped from giving exbibitions of bis bullet-proof rest in New York, as there is a law wbieh probibits any discharge of fireartns xt a hnman being in a theatre. London, Jnly 31.—Tbe StanJard announces tbe betrotbal of Prince 1 Adolpbns, the eldest son of the i Prince of Teck, to Lady Margaret i £velyn. the yonngest daughter of ] the Dnke of Westminster. ; i Warsa«r, Joly 31.—The Oov-1 1 ornor has forbidden the usual < pilgrimage to Czentochan oo ao 1 coont of the preva!enoe of cbolera. i Cbiuo, Joly 30. —Famerscom- * meoced bauling beets to tbe re- ( ceiving sbeds this morniug. The sugar factor will start on the lst of August. Tbe present reducing i cai«oity of tbe factory » 1000 I toaa per day, 1 ■